Informational reference on the draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine regarding ensuring equality of procedural rights of all participants in the judicial process before the law and the court» (Reg. No. 9197 dated 10.04.2023)

Research Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
01 June 2023, 15:35

Abstract. The informational reference is devoted to the issues of improving the procedural mechanisms of judicial control over the execution of court decisions in administrative cases in the context of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine regarding ensuring equality of procedural rights of all participants in the judicial process before the law and the court» (Reg. No. 9197 dated 10.04.2023).

Key words: administrative proceedings, participants in the judicial process, rights, equality before the law and the court.

