Review dossier on some rights of life-sentenced prisoners
02 January 2025, 12:00
Abstract. The Review Dossier examines the issue of short-term departure of convicts, in particular those sentenced to life imprisonment, outside correctional and educational colonies for the purpose of visiting seriously ill close relatives and/or being present at the burial of close relatives. The focus is on: the inviolability of personal and family life; the right to respect for the human dignity of convicts; decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which address such a right and its content. Taking into account international standards, foreign experience of some states and best European practices, the provisions of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Article 111 of the Criminal and Executive Code of Ukraine in connection with the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated December 20, 2023 No. 11-р(II)/2023” (No. 12127, dated October 16, 2024) were analyzed for its relevance and risks.
Key words: convicted, life imprisonment, respect for human dignity, inviolability of personal and family life, short-term departures, correctional and educational colonies, illness, death of relatives.