Review dossiers

03 June 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to issues of legislative regulation of the use of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine and foreign countries (USA, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden). Attention is focused on the existence of equal rights of citizens of Ukraine and foreigners who are in the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds to receive medical assistance in the treatment of infertility through the use of assisted reproductive technologies.

Key words: assisted reproductive technologies, human rights, biomedicine, citizens, foreigners.



29 May 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to issues of legislative regulation of the circulation of digital content and digital services in Ukraine. Attention is paid to the analysis of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Digital Content and Digital Services".

Key words: digital content, digital service, digital things, goods with digital elements, digital environment, performer, consumer, contract for the provision of digital content.



29 April 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to the analysis of the legislative regulation of employment of foreign citizens and stateless persons in Ukraine. The study results of the national migration legislation provisions in terms of the procedure for issuing a D-04 visa for employment and a temporary residence permit are presented. The importance of having a work permit for foreign nationals and stateless persons in the context of ensuring the rights of labor migrants is clarified. Possible risks of illegal migration are identified and attention is paid to the need to introduce measures of preventing illegal labor migration.

Key words: labor migration, foreign workers, work permit for foreign citizens and stateless persons, work visa, temporary residence permit, illegal migration.



22 April 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to the issues of harmonization of Ukrainian labor legislation with the EU standards in the field of employment and labor. The peculiarities of the process of adaptation of legislation to the acquis communautaire and the importance of implementing the provisions of the EU directives on occupational safety and health are outlined. Proposals for improving Ukrainian legislation on employment, labor protection, social dialogue, and gender equality based on the conclusions of the fourth section of the European Commission's Report on Ukraine within the framework of the EU Enlargement Package by cluster: “Freedom of movement for workers” and “Social policy and employment” are summarized.

Key words: adaptation, EU legislation, labor legislation of Ukraine, acquis communautaire, directives.



18 December 2023

Abstract. Within the framework of the overview dossier, an analysis of legal mechanism of acquiring citizenship by investment was carried out, and the procedures and conditions for acquiring citizenship in the manner provided for by the legislation of Turkey, Austria, and Malta were described. Particular attention is paid to the position of European Union regarding the influence of the specified method of acquiring citizenship on fundamental human rights and freedoms, and the conformity of its conceptual principles with the Constitution of Ukraine is determined.

Key words: citizenship, citizenship by investment, human rights, EU, Turkey, Austria, Malta.



31 May 2023

Abstract. The overview dossier defines recent trends of legislative regulation in the field of personal data protection based on the analysis of recent regulations and directives of the European Parliament and the Council, proposals of the European Commission on the adoption of new acts, as well as laws and draft laws of European states on personal data protection.

Key words: Regulation 2016/679, personal data protection, EU digital law.

