Information note on the Draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine on improving the procedure for conducting criminal proceedings in martial law» (Reg. No. 11265, dated May 16, 2024)

Published on 28 June 2024, 10:44

 Research Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 

Abstract. The information note analyzes the provisions of the draft Law of Ukraine «On amending the Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine to improve the procedure for conducting criminal proceedings under martial law»; the compliance of the draft law with the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine, the fundamental principles of law-making activities and the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in the field of criminal justice is considered. According to the results of the analysis, risks are established that in the future may impede the proper implementation of the bill during law enforcement activities and the achievement of the goal proclaimed in it.

Key words: criminal proceedings, martial law, pre-trial investigation, trial of criminal proceedings, lost materials of criminal proceedings, procedure for restoring materials of criminal cases, execution of sentences in criminal proceedings, written proceedings.



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