Parliamentary studies

29 March 2024

Abstract. The formation of effective legal regulation of the grounds of legal responsibility for violation of the procedure for providing financial services without a license actualizes the issue of introducing a system of means of a state-authority, coercive nature that can be applied to offenders. The parliamentary study analyzed separate amendments to the legal regulation of the activities of financial companies in terms of obtaining licenses, clarified the grounds of administrative responsibility for carrying out unlicensed activities, and outlined the prospects of criminalization of acts in the field of business, taking into account the data of judicial statistics.

Key words: criminal liability, administrative liability, financial services, economic activity, unlicensed activity.



16 February 2024

Abstract. The research is devoted to the analysis of the existing mechanisms of legal regulation of the grounds of responsibility for "stalking", which involves a review of international standards and obligations of Ukraine in this area. The foreign experience of implementation of international standards into national legal systems regarding the criminalization of stalking in the legislation of the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania is summarized.

Key words: stalking, persecution, responsibility, privacy, psychological violence.

