Informational references

25 December 2024

Abstract. The Information Reference highlights the procedure for consideration of European integration draft laws in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, including the stages of the legislative process, the role of specialised committees and expert opinions. It contains a list of acts, such as the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other hand, as well as plans for the legislative work of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, government programmes and international agreements, which help to prioritise the consideration of European integration draft laws. The focus is on certain factors that complicate the process of harmonisation of Ukrainian legislation with EU law.

Keywords: European integration draft law, legislative procedure, Ukraine's integration into the EU, adaptation of legislation, harmonisation of legislation, EU law.




16 December 2024

Abstract. The Information Reference provides a general overview of the reform priorities regarding the functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine, which were identified in accordance with the assessment of Ukraine's progress on its way to the European Union (hereinafter - the EU) and within the framework of the EU's 2024 Enlargement Package. Under martial law, Ukraine has formed its own model of ‘martial law democracy’, which is based on achieving a balance between the functioning of democratic institutions and ensuring national security. The implementation of fundamental reforms is a political decision-making process for building democracy in Ukraine in the projection of EU enlargement.

Keywords: European Union, EU enlargement, cluster of ‘fundamental reforms’, civil society, democratic institutions, post-war elections, parliament.




16 December 2024

Abstract. Legislative proposals are analyzed in the informational note on the postponement of the date of entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying”, which are contained in the provisions of the draft Law “On Amendments to Section III “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying” (No. 12120 dated 15.10.2024) and in the alternative draft Law “On Amendments to Section III “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying” (No. 12120-1 dated 29.10.2024).

Keywords: lobbying, lobbying entities, Transparency Register, entry into force of the Law.




28 November 2024

Abstract. This Informational reference analyses legislative proposals to supplement the Civil Code of Ukraine with provisions aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of a bona fide purchaser of state and municipal property by establishing a special limitation period for claims for reclamation of such property and a mechanism for resolving the issue of compensation to a bona fide acquirer for the market value of such property in case of its reclamation in favour of the state or a territorial community.

Keywords: limitation period, commencement of the limitation period, vindication claim, reclamation of property from a bona fide acquirer, state-owned property, municipal property, compensation.



14 October 2024

Abstract. The Information note presents information on the availability of state employment services, their functions and tasks, ways of carrying out activities, the procedure for financing and material support in the EU member states: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Latvia, and the Czech Republic.

Key words: unemployment, state employment service, monitoring of employment, employment, vocational training, vocational education, labor market.



14 October 2024

Abstract. The informational reference contains the results of the analysis of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to Clause 19 of the Final and Transitional Provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine on Suspension of the Limitation Period» (Reg. No. 11292 of 27.05.2024).

Key words: limitation period, legal relations between the parties, martial law in Ukraine, force majeure circumstances.



14 October 2024

Abstract. The Informational reference contains the results of the analysis of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to Clause 19 of the Final and Transitional Provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine on renewal of the limitation period» (Reg. No. 11315 dated 31.05.2024).

Key words: limitation of claims, Civil Code of Ukraine, Martial Law in Ukraine, renewal of the limitation period.



14 October 2024


Abstract. The informational reference contains the results of the analysis of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to the Civil Code of Ukraine and certain other Laws of Ukraine regarding the peculiarities of providing data from public electronic registers operated by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and certain other public electronic registers» (Reg. No. 11533 dated 29.08.2024).

Key words: location of a legal entity; information protection; activities related to the production of weapons and ammunition; Unified State Register.



27 September 2024

Abstract. The information note analyzes the replies to European Center for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD) request on regulation the planning of law-making activities, the interaction of its participants, monitoring the implementation of laws (post-legislative scrutiny). Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the regulation planning of law-making activities, the interaction of its participants, monitoring the implementation of laws (post-legislative scrutiny) in foreign countries can take place at the level of the rules of procedure of the parliament, a special law, and an interinstitutional agreement. A significant role in the planning of legislative activity in foreign countries is played by the government, which carries out such planning for its term of office and for a short-term period, which later forms the basis of planning the legislative activity by the parliament.

Key words: Law of Ukraine «On law-making activity», planning of law-making activities, post-legislative scrutiny.



27 September 2024

Abstract. The information note analyzes the replies to European Center for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD) request on preparation of scientific concept for the development of the legislation during the planning legislative activities in foreign countries. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the preparation of scientific concept for the development of the legislation during the planning legislative activities is not provided for in any states that replied to ECPRD. However, the involvement of scientific institutions and taking into account the results of scientific research in the planning and realizing law-making activities in foreign countries takes place in various forms that can be combined with each other.

Key words: Law of Ukraine «On law-making activity», scientific concept for the development of the legislation, planning of law-making activities.

