Review dossiers

19 October 2023

Abstract. The review dossier highlights certain areas of state policy on strengthening equality and protecting national minorities’ (communities) and indigenous peoples’ rights in Ukraine in accordance with European standards in context of joining the European Union.

Key words: national minorities (communities) of Ukraine, indigenous peoples of Ukraine, rights of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine, European Union standards regarding national minorities.



26 July 2023

Abstract. The review dossier provides an analysis of the issues of legislative support for Ukraine's recovery. The proposals for the Roadmap for Legislative Support for the Implementation of the Recovery Plan of Ukraine were prepared to determine the directions of legislative work on the way to rebuilding the state. It contains an analysis of the legislative initiatives of 23 working groups, a comparison with the Plan of Legislative Work of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for 2023, registered draft laws and adopted laws, as well as the objective of the legislative act, the justification for the need and expected results of its adoption, and proposals for the Verkhovna Rada Committee responsible for the draft law.

Key words: Recovery Plan of Ukraine, rebuilding the state, legislative initiatives

