Partnership and cooperation, exchange of experience with foreign and domestic institutions and organizations, think-tanks, libraries, and higher education institutions, etc. is an integral part of the Research Service’s activities.

The Research Service has established cooperation with 43 foreign parliamentary research institutions, agencies, international organisations, e-platforms, etc. Special emphasis is put on intensifying contacts with research services of parliaments of foreign countries and with leading international organizations and their representative offices in Ukraine.

The Research Service cooperates with:

- EU Delegation to Ukraine;

- European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS);

- departments of the Secretariat of the European Parliament;

- European Parliamentary Knowledge Sharing Hub;

- Council of Europe Office in Ukraine;

- Representative Office of the National Democratic Institute in Ukraine;

- Budget Office of the Congress of the United States of America;

- USAID Rada Next Generation Program;

- Embassy of the United States of America;

- Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Ukraine

- Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine;

- Institute of Eastern European Law (Federal Republic of Germany);

- V4 Digital Parliamentary Library;

- Office of Parliamentary and Legislative Affairs of the Government of Scotland;

- Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine;

- OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR);

- Foresight Center of the Riigikogu of the Republic of Estonia;

- Vilnius University Faculty of Law;

- Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana;

- Faculty of Law of the University of Genoa;

- European University Institute in Florence;

- HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network;

- Robert Schuman Institute

the research services of foreign parliaments:

- Legal, Legislative and Research Service of the Parliament of the Republic of Austria;

- Parliamentary Institute of the Czech Republic;

- Georgian Parliamentary Research Center;

- Knesset Research and Information Center;

- Erachtas Parliamentary Research Service of Ireland;

- Research Service of the Riksdag of the Kingdom of Sweden;

- National Centre for Parliamentary Studies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria;

- Research Service of the Eduskant of the Republic of Finland;

- Parliamentary Institute of the National Council of the Slovak Republic;

- Bureau of Research of the Chancellery of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland;

- Office of Analysis and Petitions of the Chancellery of the Senate of the Republic of Poland;

- Lech Kaczynsky National School of Public Administration (KSAP);

- Public organisation "Foundation for Science" (Fundacja dla Nauki) (Republic of Poland);

- Analytical Service of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia;

- Legal Research Department of the Riigikogu of the Republic of Estonia;

- Research Unit of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania;

- Office of Parliamentary Studies of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova;

- Information service for MPs of the Office of the State Assembly of Hungary;

- Research and Communication Department of the State Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia;

- Research Service of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic.

The process of establishing cooperation with other research units of the parliaments in Europe and the world is underway.

Regularly, the heads of the Research Service structural departments communicate with the heads of the relevant structural units of foreign parliaments’ research institutions to promptly exchange information in the "level-to-level" format in matters of mutual interest of institutions’ activities.

Deepening cooperation with foreign colleagues and sharing experiences helps our Research Service to transfer best practices into the organization of its daily activities. Thus, with the assistance of our partners in the USAID Rada Next Generation Program, several study visits of the Research Service’s representatives to colleagues from the research units of the parliaments of Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, the Baltic States, Hungary, Slovenia, and Italy were held at their kind invitation. The result of such visits was both the improvement of certain approaches in the work and development of research materials, as well as the organization of joint online events to raise awareness of Ukrainian parliamentarians and the Verkhovna Rada staffers on important issues of European policy development, and, particularly, the European integration processes in the context of Ukraine's accession to the EU.

Among other things, following the agreements reached, representatives of the Research Service were trained in the Senate of the Republic of Poland within the framework of the project "Parliamentary Dimension of European Integration of Ukraine" and other state Polish institutions according to the EU program "Eastern Partnership Academy of Public Administration", implemented via the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Poland and aimed at acquiring skills in the European integration on the example of countries that have become members of the European Union.

In the context of promoting the effectiveness of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the process of European integration and within the framework of strengthening institutional capacity, the Research Service actively cooperates with the INTER PARES Parliaments Programme EU Project, especially in the development of foresight direction of the Research Service and the development of relations with research units of foreign parliaments.

In cooperation with the Directorate for Democracy Support of the Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament, the European Parliamentary Knowledge Sharing Hub, the EU-funded Association4You project, the Research Service organized 5 information sessions for Ukrainian MPs, their assistants, and employees of the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as well as employees of the Research Service.

Within the framework of cooperation with the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), employees of the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Research Service joined more than 35 information sessions of the EPRS on topical issues of EU law.
Using the network of the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD) by posting replies and requests in its system, and participating in trainings, seminars, and webinars organised by ECPRD is another important effective tool for raising awareness of our institution’s researchers with proper issues that affect the foreign parliaments in their nowadays activities. Since the establishment of the Research Service (August 2022), 63 responses to requests have been provided and 7 requests have been generated to ECPRD members on topical issues of the parliaments’ functioning including their legislative activities. Representatives of our institution were delighted to join ECPRD events in Israel, Georgia and Italy.

Moreover, a sufficient component of the Research Service’s activity is the involvement in the EU projects that contribute to the European integration of Ukraine. Thus, in early 2025, we plan to join the program "European Integration Fund for Ukraine", implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania through the EU Delegation to Ukraine, which, among other things,  will provide support for training sessions for Ukrainian MPs, representatives of the Rada Secretariat and employees of the Research Service on the adaptation of national legislation to the EU acquis, as well as strengthening inter-institutional cooperation of the Research Service. The program will be a continuation of the EU-funded Association4You project, with which we, in particular, cooperate in the organization of trainings. In addition,  in collaboration with the University of Genoa and Bologna and with the involvement of 3 leading Ukrainian universities, the Research Service has been preparing an application for participation in 2025 in the Erasmus+ program "Constitutional and legislative drafting techniques in Ukraine, as a means to implement the rule of law and the reforms within the EU accession process " aimed at educating of Ukrainian universities’ professors and teachers to acquire skills in training employees of the Ukrainian Parliament Secretariat on legislative design under the principles of EU law.

In September-October this year, the Research Service, upon request of the Chief of Staff of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, developed proposals for submitting to Brussels the State of the legislative procedure in the Ukrainian parliament in the context of screening by the European Commission of the compliance of national legislation with EU legislation in the field of "Functioning of democratic institutions". Proposals’ consideration took place on October 8-10 at the European Commission in Brussels.

The implementation of joint research projects with the Parliamentary Institute of the Parliament of the Czech Republic has begun. Since 2023, at the invitation of the PI,  the Research Service has joined the platform of the V4 Digital Parliamentary Library, which currently hosts around 20 English-language annotations on topical issues of mainly comparative legislation and relevant links to analytical and information materials prepared by the Research Service.

The possibility of introducing foreign experience in the research service’s functioning, the latest approaches, methods and products for the successful operation of the institution is one of the tasks of the Research Service internship program for students of Ukrainian higher education institutions. Thus, in 2023 and 2024, with the assistance of the USAID Rada Next Generation Program, 10 Ukrainian students had a half a year internships to show their analytical abilities at the Research Service. Upon assessments’ results, 2 trainees were offered proper positions in our institution’s departments.

In our activities, we are oriented to borrowing the best practices of our foreign partners as well as to initiating the development of joint products and projects aimed at facilitating Ukraine's membership in the European Union.

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