Analytical note on comparative legislation in the field of local democracy in the aspects of: existing forms of local democracy and mechanisms of their legal regulation; compulsory adoption of statutes of territorial communities in the context of the draft law «On amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On local self-government in Ukraine» and other legislative acts of Ukraine on democracy at the level of local self-government» (No. 7283 dated 13.04.2022)

Research Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
10 July 2023, 17:45

Abstract. In the analytical note the existing forms of local democracy and mechanisms of their legal regulation in Ukraine and foreign countries were examined in a comparative perspective; were examined the issue of adoption of the statutes of territorial communities in the context of the draft law «On amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On local self-government in Ukraine» and other legislative acts of Ukraine on democracy at the level of local self-government» (No. 7283 dated 13.04.2022). The experience of developed democracies is analysed.

Key words: local democracy, democracy, local self-government, territorial community, statute of a territorial community.

