Analytical note (comparative legislation) on the application of the EU Electronic Communications Code and its impact on the legislative framework for electronic communications markets in EU Member States

Research Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
12 January 2024, 15:59

Abstract. The article presents the analysis results of the essence and content of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) as a unified EU legal act in the field of regulation of public relations arising from the use of electronic communication networks, provision of electronic communication services, related facilities and related services, as well as certain aspects of terminal equipment. The prerequisites for the adoption of the document, its main provisions and impact on the development of legislative support for the markets of electronic communications services in the EU Member States on the way to creating the EU Digital Single Market and the digital economy are analyzed. The content of the basic provisions of the national legislation of the EU Member States on electronic communications which derogate from the provisions of EU Directive 2018/1972, and suggests ways to implement the said EU Directive into the national legislation of Ukraine are proposed.

Key words: digital single market, EU Digital Single Market, electronic communication network, electronic communication service, EU Electronic Communications Code, codification of legislation, electronic communications market entities, systematization of legislation.

