Review dossiers

04 July 2024

Abstract. The review dossier examines in a comparative aspect the existing foreign experience of legislative support for the prevention and combating of domestic violence in relation to the following issues: the right to divorce during the wife's pregnancy and/or within one year after the birth of a child and the procedure for divorce (administrative and/or judicial); the practice of divorce in connection with domestic violence (claims, mechanism); the practice of awarding/recovering alimony until the child reaches the age of 1 (3) years. In particular, the legislation of the following countries was analysed: Austria, Germany, France, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Greece.

Key words: domestic violence; Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence; practice of the European Court of Human Rights; Directive (EU) 2024/1385 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 May 2024 on combating violence against women and domestic violence.



20 June 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to the genesis of the digitalization of the social security sector. The factors, prerequisites and strategic objectives of the transition to digitalization of the social security system of Ukraine are outlined. A content analysis of the legal and regulatory framework for the digital transformation of the social sphere in Ukraine is carried out. The functions of the Unified Information System of the Social Sphere are analyzed.

Key words: digitalization of the social sphere, verification of information, social e-services, Unified Information System of the Social Sphere, targeting, digital tools of social services.



29 April 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier presents the results of the empirical base analysis regarding the number of war veterans, their need for employment, and also identifies certain problems of access to employment after the end of military service. The current state of legal support for the implementation of the right to work for veterans in Ukraine is analyzed. The main types of state aid, including benefits and guarantees, are characterized: grants for opening one's own business (veteran entrepreneurship); preferences for employers who create jobs for veterans; vouchers for professional training, retraining or advanced training; implementation of standards of workplaces for employment of veterans; guarantees of their employment.

Key words: war veteran, voucher, guarantees, grant, job standards for employment, professional training, retraining, professional development.



22 March 2024

Abstract. The dossier describes the introduction of an investment obligation for cultural audiovisual product aimed at supporting the creation of European works in accordance with Directive 2010/13/EU of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in the Member States relating to the provision of audiovisual media services, amended by Directive (EU) 2018/1808.

Key words: investment, foreign investment, audiovisual media services, investment climate.



20 March 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to the analysis of Ukrainian legislation on the rehabilitation of military personnel and war veterans. Attention is emphasized on the change in conceptual approaches to the regulation of rehabilitation. The advantages of a multidisciplinary approach to the provision of rehabilitation services and teamwork in the field of health care as components of the strategy for the development of the system of medical and social rehabilitation are noted. The features of the organization of medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel and war veterans are analyzed. The problems of organizing psychological rehabilitation in Ukraine, ways to overcome the main challenges, taking into account the experience of the State of Israel, are highlighted.

Key words: rehabilitation, individual rehabilitation plan, physical and rehabilitation medicine, psychological assistance in rehabilitation, military personnel, war veterans.



26 February 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to the genesis of Ukrainian legislation on the status of war veterans. Attention is emphasized on the expediency of changing the conceptual approaches to: regulating the status of war veterans from among military personnel; differentiation of legislative regulation of social protection of veterans of the Second World War, participants of hostilities that took place during the Soviet period of our country's history, and the status of defenders who participate in actions aimed at ensuring national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The content of the concepts of “veteran”, “war veteran”, “combatant”, “defender” is analyzed. A comparative analysis of the concept of “veteran” in the legislation of foreign countries (USA, Croatia, Serbia, Israel), as well as conceptual approaches to the methods of legislative regulation of the status of persons who participated in the defense of the sovereignty of their state is carried out.

Key words: veteran, war veteran, legal status, social security system.



25 December 2023

Abstract. The overview dossier deals with legislative regulation analysis of the status of war veterans. Attention is focused on the conceptual problems of defining the terms "war veteran", "combatant", "defender" and establishing categories of persons who belong to them. The need to improve legislation on the status of war veterans and to develop institutional foundations for the implementation of veteran policy is indicated.

Key words: veteran, war veteran, legal status, social security system, social benefits, legislative system.



07 February 2023

Abstract. The overview dossier deals with the issues of legislative regulation of the participation forms of civil society organizations in supporting combatants. The essence of the concepts of “community support”, “instruments of community support” and their connection to the system of state support for war veterans have been studied. Attention was paid to areas of improvement of legislation regarding forms of participation of civil society organizations in supporting war veterans in the post-war period. The legislation of foreign states regarding societal support of veterans (demobilized combatants) has been analyzed.

Key words: veterans, combatants, social protection of veterans, charity, volunteering, non-state funds, civil society organizations.



27 January 2023

Abstract. The overview dossier deals with the genesis of the legislative regulation of the status of persons who, as part of voluntary formations, contribute to the defense of Ukraine, participate in actions aimed at ensuring national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, deterring and repelling aggression and inflicting unacceptable losses on the enemy. The essence of the concepts “combatant”, “defender”, “volunteer” and their correlation were studied. Attention was paid to the issue of the need to improve the legislation on status of persons in voluntary formations of territorial communities. Experience of legislative regulation of the volunteer status in Croatia and Serbia has been analyzed.

Key words: volunteer formations, volunteer, combatant, territorial defense, national resistance.



27 January 2023

Abstract. The overview dossier deals with the problems of ensuring functioning of the accumulative pension system. Legislative provisions regarding the introduction of the second level of the pension system from the year following the year of overcoming the budget deficit of the Pension Fund of Ukraine are causing discussions in the academic circle. World practice demonstrates the economic advantages of the accumulative pension system for ensuring a sufficient standard of living of its participants under the conditions of compliance with legal guarantees. Main requirements, compliance with which ensures functioning of the accumulative pension system in European countries, have been analyzed. Particular attention was paid to the experience of Denmark. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, this country had the highest accumulated pension capital as a share of GDP (240% in 2020) in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and was one of the few countries with a decrease in wealth inequality among pensioners in the recent years.

Key words: pension provision, pension system, accumulative system, pension insurance, insurance contributions.

