Analytical notes

26 March 2024

Abstract. The analytical note is devoted to journalistic standards and rules of professional ethics in armed conflicts, which are guided by the media and journalists' associations, in particular in the UK (British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC, Ethical Journalism Network - EJN) and the USA (Society of Professional Journalists - SPJ). Attention is emphasized on the importance of having a system of self-regulation of journalists' work to ensure compliance with professional and ethical standards of work enshrined in the relevant codes, rules, and recommendations.

Key words: journalistic standards, professional ethics, journalists in armed conflicts, BBC, EJN, SPJ.



27 November 2023

Abstract. The analytical note examines the legal framework for the participation of military personnel in electoral processes, the exercise of active and passive suffrage by military personnel, and the prohibition and restriction of their participation in electoral processes.

Key words: military personnel, electoral processes, elections, voting, rights, martial law, Electoral Code of Ukraine.



07 August 2023

Abstract. Analytical Note provides a comprehensive study of the legislative regulation regarding fees for administrative services and the setting of administrative fees in European countries. Also, it describes the statutory and regulatory acts which directly determine the administrative fee for the provision of these services, the entities which are delegated the right to determine the amount of fees, as well as the principles of determining the appropriate rate of administrative fees and the existing approaches to calculating the cost of paid administrative services. The relevant legislation of 16 countries is analyzed.

Key words: administrative services, public services, administrative fee, administrative fee, state duty / charge, calculation of cost price, European experience.



27 July 2023

Abstract. The analytical note was prepared with the aim of determining the mechanisms of enforcement of decisions of constitutional courts declaring laws, their individual provisions or other legal acts unconstitutional, i.e. inconsistent with the Constitution, in European countries. The standards of enforcement of decisions of a constitutional court declaring laws, their individual provisions or other regulatory legal acts unconstitutional were researched, as set out in the conclusions of the Venice Commission; and the legislative framework for enforcement of decisions of a constitutional court declaring unconstitutionality in such countries as Germany, Austria, Great Britain, France, Hungary and Poland.

Key words: Constitutional Court; unconstitutionality of laws, their individual provisions or other legal acts; enforcement of court decisions; constitutional control.



24 July 2023

Abstract. The institution of deprivation of state awards in Ukraine was examined. The main attention of this research focuses on the grounds and procedure for deprivation of state awards in the context of the draft laws on amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On State Awards of Ukraine» (No. 8407, 8407-1, 8407-2, 8407-3, 9167). In the comparative aspect, the experience of legal regulation of the award business in European countries was analyzed, in particular in France, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia.

Key words: state awards, award business, deprivation of state awards.



05 June 2023

Abstract. The procedure and features of the pre-trial dispute settlement in the developed democracies of the European and American continents, in particular in the context of the effectiveness and mandatory nature of mediation as an accessible form of conflict settlement were examined in the analytical note. The issue of possible implementation of mandatory mediation in Ukraine was considered.

Key words: pre-trial dispute settlement, out-of-court dispute settlement, mediation, conflict settlement.



04 May 2023

Abstract. Based on the analysis of scientific research, data from a survey of the parliaments of the European Union on the availability and functioning of forensic institutions, traditional approaches to their establishment and management, provision of services, as well as modern challenges, the latest experience and positive results of reforms in this area, which may be useful for Ukraine and will help determine the directions of formation of a modern paradigm of forensic support for justice are revealed.

Key words: forensic examination, forensic institutions, forensic support of justice.



03 March 2023

Abstract. The issues of regulating the procedure for the election (appointment) of judges to administrative positions and dismissal from these positions in certain European countries (Albania, Great Britain, Latvia, Germany, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom) were analyzed. The grounds for appointment (promotion) of judges; the terms of office and grounds for dismissal of the chief judge in European countries; and the bodies responsible for the selection, appointment and career of judges under the laws of European countries were determined. The analysis is carried out in the context of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On the Judiciary and the status of Judges» on the regulation of the procedure for election (appointment) of judges to administrative positions and dismissal from these positions» (No. 8296 dated 21.12.2022) and the conclusions of the Advisory Council of European Judges.

Key words: election (appointment) of judges, chairman of the court, administrative positions.



23 January 2023

Abstract. Analytical note provides a comparative analysis and summary of the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries on the subject of improvement of the funeral sphere, within the framework of the issues raised in the request: limitation of places for the placement of funeral services (providers of funeral services) on the territory of health care facilities, educational institutions, etc.; ensuring the confidentiality of information about the deceased person and his/her relative persons; liability of employees of medical institutions, law enforcement agencies, and other subjects of authoritative powers for disclosing information about the deceased, and their close relatives, in particular for mercenary reasons (obtaining illegal profits from funeral service providers for the transfer of contact information about the deceased).

Key words: funeral business, funeral services, confidential information, personal data, information about the deceased person.

