Analytical notes

25 September 2023

Abstract. In the analytical note, a comparative analysis of the legal framework and practice of cross-border cooperation was carried out, which involves entities of different levels of local self-government, local authorities of the EU members, EU candidate country, and other European countries.

Key words: association, EU members, European integration, European Commission, European Council, European Community, European Union, European funds, Euroregion, Euroregional cooperation, institutionalization, international agreements, inter-territorial cooperation, intergovernmental commission, local government, border cooperation, European Council, regional policy, regional cooperation, cross-border cooperation, agreement.



04 September 2023

Abstract. The experience of individual Member States, that have gone through the European integration process, and identifies three models of parliaments and its role in the European integration process were analyzed. The analysis of these models, taking into account the peculiarities of the political and legal systems of individual states, is useful for developing an optimal model of organization of work and the role of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, its bodies or special bodies that may be created with the inclusion of members of parliament in the negotiation process on Ukraine's accession to the EU.

Key words: European integration, European Union, implementation, adaptation, EU law.



14 August 2023

Abstract. In the analytical note, a comparative analysis of foreign legislation was carried out on the forms and mechanisms of control of parliamentary committees (commissions) over the activities of the government existing in foreign countries. The experience of the following European countries is analyzed: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, France, Portugal, etc. In the context of foreign experience, most attention is paid to the innovations proposed by the Draft Law No. 3195 dated 10.03.2020.

Key words: parliamentary control, parliamentary committees, control function of parliamentary committees, organizational function of parliamentary committees.



14 August 2023

Abstract. In the analytical note, a comparative analysis of foreign legislation was carried out on the exercise of controlling powers by parliamentarians. For the purposes of this study, the experience of such countries as the United States of America, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Croatia, France, Japan, the Republic of Korea, etc. was analyzed.

Key words: deputy's appeal, deputy's request, State Council, implementation, request, Congress, committee, control functions, National Assembly, National, House of Commons, House of Lords, House of Representatives, parliamentary’s control, written request, Regulations, Senate, urgent request, oral request, government.



31 July 2023

Abstract. In the analitical note examines the legislative regulation of the distribution of powers between the levels of local self-government, taking into account the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The experience of such European countries as Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, France, and Norway is analysed.

Key words: European Charter of Local Self-Government, levels of local self-government, distribution of powers between levels of local self-government, regions, communities.



31 July 2023

Abstract. The mechanisms for the development of mountainous and highland areas, defined in the legislation of foreign countries, in particular France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Georgia, as well as regulated by international legal acts and legal acts of the European Union, with the aim to improving the existing and introducing new instruments of local and regional development in Ukraine with regard to mountainous territories.

Key words: European Union, regional development, mountainous and highland areas, stimulation of mountainous territories development.



31 July 2023

Abstract. The issue of parliamentary consultations with local self-government associations on draft laws and other acts on local and regional development is researched. The experience of legislative regulation of parliamentary consultations with local self-government associations was analysed of the following countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Estonia, Romania, Latvia and Hungary.

Key words: parliament, local self-government, associations of local self-government bodies, consultations with associations of local self-government bodies.



31 July 2023

Abstract. The analytical note examines the model of delimitation of powers between local self-government bodies and local executive authorities in foreign countries in a comparative perspective, taking into account the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The experience of Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, and France is analysed.

Key words: European Charter of Local Self-Government, delimitation of powers between local self-government bodies and local executive authorities, delegation of powers.



27 July 2023

Abstract. The analytical note on comparative legislation on career stability guarantees for parliamentary servants was prepared in connection with the consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On parliamentary service» (No. 4530 dated 21.12.2020), which is expected to define the paculiarities of legal regulation of parliamentary service and the legal status of parliamentary servants

The analytical note is based on the responses received from the parliaments (chambers of parliaments) – members of the interparliamentary information network «European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation», to the request submitted at the initiative of the Research Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Key words: parliamentary servants, parliamentary service, termination of powers, resignation, dismissal.



27 July 2023

Abstract. In the analitical note examines the existing forms and mechanisms of parliamentary control over the Government in Ukraine and in foreign countries in a comparative perspective. The experience of such European countries as: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, etc. Special attention is paid to the interpellation institution.

Key words: parliamentarism, parliamentary control, governmental responsibility, parliamentary requests, interpellations.

