Informational references

27 June 2024

Abstract. The informational reference contains the results of the analysis of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine on the application of the term of appeal to the administrative court to appeal against unlawful actions or omission of authorised public authorities regarding the issuance of a certificate of financial support for the recalculation of pensions to military servicemen and members of their families» (Reg. No. 11294 dated 27.05.2024).

Key words: pensions, right to recalculate pensions, military servicemen, public authorities, certificate of financial support, time limit for applying to an administrative court.



08 April 2024

Abstract. The informational reference contains the analysis results of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On the system of state support for charitable activities in Ukraine» (Reg. No. 10154 dated 16.10.2023). Attention is focused on the provisions of the draft law, which are proposed to regulate the activities of the All-Ukrainian State Charity Fund. Proposals for the introduction of new terminology were analyzed.

Key words: charitable activity, state assistance to charitable activities, charitable fund, beneficiary, benefactor, electronic service.



05 April 2024

Abstract. The information note sets out the results of the analysis of the need to amend the legal and organisational framework for the collection and accounting of the single contribution for obligatory state social insurance, the conditions and procedure for its calculation and payment, and the powers of the body responsible for its collection and accounting.

Key words: trade unions, trade union membership, compulsory state social insurance, register of insured persons.



29 March 2024
28 March 2024

Abstract. The information guide outlines certain aspects of the mechanism for ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons. Attention is focused on the expediency of observing international standards of social and legal protection of this category of persons in national legislation. An analysis of the provisions of the Draft Law «On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the implementation of the rights of internally displaced persons» (Reg. No. 10405 dated 12.01.2024) was carried out.

Key words: internally displaced person (IDP), guarantees of rights, preemptive right to stay at work, preferences for payment of administrative fee.



26 February 2024

Abstract. The informational reference analyzes the legislative proposals to ensure the implementation of the reform in the field of higher education. Attention is focused on the proposed changes to the procedure for granting social scholarships. The problematic aspects of the right to higher education guarantees are noted. The provisions of the Draft Law «On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine on financing higher education and providing state targeted support to its applicants» (Reg. No. 10399 dated 10.01.2024) are analyzed.

Key words: higher education system, higher education institution, social scholarship, right to higher education, Bologna Process.



26 February 2024

Abstract. The informational reference analyzes certain aspects of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons. Attention is focused on the legal nature of one of the types of state aid - accommodation allowance. The problematic issues of compliance with the targeting of social protection are noted. An analysis of the provisions of the Draft Law «On аmendments to the Law of Ukraine «On ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons» regarding the payment of accommodation allowance taking into account the assessment of the needs and degree of integration of an internally displaced person at the place of his/her actual residence» (Reg. No. 10382 dated 28.12.2023).

Key words: forced migration, internally displaced person, guarantees of rights, accommodation allowance, targeting of social protection.



22 February 2024

Abstract. The informational reference is devoted to the issues of improving the current legislation on the enforcement of court decisions related to Ukraine's fulfillment of its international obligations to the Council of Europe in terms of proper and timely execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as ensuring the right of citizens who are debtors in enforcement proceedings to an acceptable standard of living for themselves and their families in the context of the вraft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to certain laws on enhancing of the protection of human rights and Freedoms during the enforcement of decisions» (Reg. No. 10389 dated 03.01.2024).

Key words: judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, enforcement document, gender of an individual debtor, enforcement of court decisions involving a child.



16 February 2024

Abstract. The information note examines the issue of payment of a one-time cash benefit in the event of fatality (death) or incapacitation of a police officer during the period of martial law in the context of draft law No. 10374. The attention is drawn to the legislative provisions-conditions under which such assistance is paid, as well as to the relevant Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Key words: police, policeman, one-time cash assistance, martial law, national security and defense measures.



26 January 2024

Abstract. The informational reference is devoted to the issues if improving the mechanisms of protection of archeological monuments, prevention of illegal excavations and illegal circulation of archeological objects in the context of the draft Law «On amendments to the Civil Code of Ukraine on preservation of archeological heritage and other cultural values».

Key words: archeological heritage, cultural values, treasure, find, Civil Code of Ukraine.

