Informational references

26 June 2023

Abstract. The informational reference highlights certain problematic aspects regarding the procedure for using humanitarian aid, related to the functioning of the automated humanitarian aid registration system. Attention was focused on the issues of gaps in legislative regulation in the field of humanitarian aid, including the prosecution of persons for the misuse of humanitarian aid.

Key words: humanitarian aid, automated humanitarian aid registration system, recipient of humanitarian aid.



05 June 2023

Abstract. The informational reference deals with the issues of assessing and overcoming educational losses and educational gaps caused by social upheavals and extraordinary events that lead to unplanned interruption of the educational process. The need to introduce systematic monitoring of the quality of education and access to it in order to solve the problem of improving the educational process comprehensively has been analyzed.

Key words: educational losses, educational gaps, general secondary education system, training.



01 May 2023

Abstract. This informational reference deals with the European Union countries’ pension systems and their main legal and socio-economic indicators, which affect the extent of financial support of pensioners and persons with disabilities. The regulatory provisions on grounds, conditions and amount of retirement and disability pensions in the legislation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have been analyzed. The legal genesis of the basic provisions of these European countries is of particular interest to Ukraine.

Key words: pension, pension insurance, pension system, retirement age, persons with disabilities.



24 April 2023

Abstract. The informational reference deals with the major organizational and legal aspects of the system of social protection of war veterans and the issue of the introduction of the new status, i.e. “Defender”. Special emphasis was made on the conceptual approaches to determination of the directions of legislation development in the field of social support of Defenders of Ukraine and their family members. The main aspects of the reform of the legislation on social support of defenders of Ukraine have been analyzed.

Key words: war veteran, Defender, legal status, system of social protection, social benefits, measures of integration into civilian life.



27 January 2023

Abstract. Based on the deprivation rate, single pensioners, persons with disabilities, families with multiple children and single-parent families are in the most difficult situation. The strategy for overcoming poverty in Ukraine provides measures to support the population depending on the main types of poverty: social, economic and regional, which corresponds to the common practice in European countries. The legal provisions in which the subsistence minimum is used as a basic social standard and as a value for calculating payments or the amount of income below which a person is entitled to a certain type of social security have been analyzed.

Key words: social standard, social guarantees, deprivation, social poverty, income level.



26 January 2023

Abstract. Legislative regulation (laws on wages, social security codes, as well as collective agreements), pedagogical workload of educators, their material and financial support, social guarantees on remuneration of teachers and educators of preschool education institutions in European countries and Canada have been highlighted based on analysis of foreign experience in the organization and operation of preschool education institutions, financial and social guarantees of preschool educators. Comparative analysis of the systems of training, retraining and advanced training of preschool teachers has been carried out. General trends and regularities have been identified based on the principles of practical orientation, dynamism of the educational process, consistency, continuity of training, variability of influence (use of different forms and methods of pedagogical influence).

Key words: preschool education institutions, pedagogical workload of educators, financial and social guarantees of educators.



26 January 2023

Abstract. The issue of social and legal protection of demobilized war veterans and family members of the deceased is a priority for Ukraine. Modern system of state support for veterans should include not only traditional forms and types of social protection, but also measures to reintegrate the demobilized into peaceful life, as well as special programs of medical and psychological rehabilitation. Research of the experience of states that have a long-term state policy of supporting war veterans and family members of the dead (USA, Croatia, South Korea, Israel) has proven to be useful in this regard.

Key words: combatant, state veteran policy, demobilized, adaptation to civilian life, rehabilitation.



26 January 2023

Abstract. The war has caused significant losses of human resources, large-scale destruction of production potential and civil infrastructure of Ukraine. Both the incomes and the standard of living of the population, whose main indicator is the subsistence minimum, have decreased. Emergence of new forms of sudden poverty resulted in the necessity to deal with the issue of ensuring adequate financing of the social sphere and social payments, and determined the need for normative and organizational optimization of budget expenditures and justified scopes of basic social standards.

Key words: basic social standard, subsistence minimum, minimum pension, state budget, social guarantees, poverty, social protection system.



26 January 2023

Abstract. The mechanism for providing housing subsidies can be characterized by certain imperfections. Improvement of such mechanism should involve changing the entity authorized to assign housing subsidies, automating the assignment process and introducing the extraterritorial principle. Reforming the system of targeted state social assistance to vulnerable consumers of housing and communal services under martial law requires increased attention to guaranteeing the rights of recipients of housing subsidies and benefits.

Key words: social protection, non-returnable targeted social assistance, housing subsidies, benefits, persons with inability to work, households.



26 January 2023

Abstract. Payment of utility bills is a significant financial problem for the majority of the country’s population. The issue of assigning housing subsidies to vulnerable consumers of housing and communal services has become relevant in the conditions of martial law with new challenges arising in this regard. There is lack of experience of solving such problems in state practice of foreign countries. Research of the economic, social, organizational and legal aspects of the functioning of housing subsidy programs proves the need for the next stage of their reform.

Key words: housing subsidies, energy poverty, preferential tariffs, household income, monetization of benefits.

