Parliamentary studies

27 May 2024

Abstract. Necessary steps to reform the national legislation on environmental protection and climate changes in the context of European integration processes have been covered in the parliamentary study. Analysis of the coherence of planning for the development and approval of legislative initiatives in the field of environment and climate changes by the Government and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for 2024, as well as its compliance with the tasks defined in the European Commission's 2023 Report on Ukraine has been conducted. Recommendations of the European Commission and European experience in the implementation of effective environmental policy, approaches of certain EU member states (Austria, Finland, Poland) to the transposition of acquis EU into national legislation have been presented in the study.

Key words: environmental protection, climate policy, waste management, construction and demolition waste, environmental taxation, deforestation.



26 February 2024

Abstract. Within the framework of the parliamentary research, a systematic analysis of the primary legislative acts of Ukraine within the competence of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Digital Transformation was carried out, with regard to the advantages and disadvantages of further codification of their norms. The author substantiates the prospects for developing and adopting the Information Code of Ukraine or the Code of Ukraine on Digital Transformation; the law-making features of codification of certain acts of information legislation within the framework of specific codified acts which have already been adopted in Ukraine were investigated.

Key words: e-commerce, electronic document management, electronic trust services, personal data protection, information systems, information legislation, code, codification, Verkhovna Rada Committee on Digital Transformation, National Program of Informatization of Ukraine, electronic communications market.



16 February 2024

Abstract. The research is devoted to the problems of improving the legal regulation of the reconstruction of outdated housing fund in the context of the draft Law «On comprehensive reconstruction of quarters (microdistricts) of outdated housing fund» (Reg. No. 6458 dated 22.12.2021). The foreign experience of legal regulation and practice of complex reconstruction of quarters (microdistricts) of the outdated housing fund, modern doctrinal approaches to the issues of complex reconstruction of the outdated housing fund were analysed; a retrospective review of the legal regulation of this problem was carried out; the issue of international standards in the field of reconstruction of outdated housing fund was clarified; and the potential risks of the draft law and the predicted consequences of the adoption/non-adoption of the law based on it are also noted.

Key words: right to housing, state housing policy, housing fund, reconstruction of quarters (microdistricts), renovation, redevelopment, apartment building.



04 December 2023

Abstract. The study provides a comparative analysis and summary of the legal acts of the EU Member States in the field of packaging waste management in terms of their recycling rates by type and category, and the legal framework for the establishment and operation of organizations of collective extended responsibility of producers of packaged goods or packaging producers. 

The legislation of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary were analyzed. 

Key words: waste, packaging waste, producers of goods, implementation of EU acts, European integration.



10 July 2023

Abstract. The parliamentary research deals with issues of state policy regarding preservation of the gene pool of the Ukrainian people. Particular attention was paid to introduction of effective legislative regulation of the procedures for donation, processing, conservation, storage and distribution of human reproductive cells (gametes) and human embryos, which form the essential basis for ensuring modern methods of improving the reproductive health of the population. Attention was focused on the fact that the tendency of decline in the demographic situation is observed not only in Ukraine. In European countries, the issue of protecting the reproductive health of the population arises as an acute medical and social problem; therefore, legal relations arising in this area require proper legal regulation.

Key words: donor reproductive cells (gametes), human embryos, reproductive health, donation.



12 June 2023

Abstract. Legal regulation in the field of viticulture and winemaking in Ukraine was analyzed with taking into account the provisions proposed by draft law No. 9139 dated 03.22.2023 "On grapes and viticulture products" and the provisions of European Union law and the legislation of EU member states.

Key words: viticulture, winemaking, geographical indication, wine, flavored wine product.



03 April 2023

Abstract. An analysis of normative legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (laws, codes, resolutions) to which amendments were made / by which amendments were made, related to the effect of quarantine established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the aim of preventing the spread of coronavirus disease on territory of Ukraine (COVID-19).

Key words: normative legal acts, quarantine, coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

