
10 April 2023

Abstract. The analytical note examines the legislation on the use of the languages of national minorities in the field of education in such countries as Romania, Poland, Armenia, Slovakia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Attention was focused on the legislative regulation of the use and protection of the languages of national minorities in education (educational process). Certain aspects of the procedure for forming groups and classes with learning all subjects in the national minority language / studying the language of the national minority were emphasized.

Key words: national minority, language of the national minority, right to learn in the language / study the language of the national minority.



10 April 2023

Abstract. The results of the analysis of federal and regional legislative acts of Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, as well as regulations of Israel and Latvia regarding the language of education (educational process) in the context of all levels of education are presented. The problems faced by the states in the course of implementation of normative provisions on the language of education have been analyzed, with an emphasis on measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the language of the educational process. The research takes into account the recommendations of scholars and specialists in the field of education, including those of foreign countries.

Key words: state language policy, language of education, educational process, educational environment, level of education, education system.



07 April 2023

Abstract. As part of monitoring the implementation of adopted legislative acts, the state of implementation of instructions by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, ministries, central executive bodies, local governments, and other entities specified in the laws adopted in 2021–2022 was analyzed.

Key words: laws, monitoring the implementation of legislative acts, the state of execution of orders.


03 April 2023

Abstract. An analysis of normative legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (laws, codes, resolutions) to which amendments were made / by which amendments were made, related to the effect of quarantine established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the aim of preventing the spread of coronavirus disease on territory of Ukraine (COVID-19).

Key words: normative legal acts, quarantine, coronavirus disease (COVID-19).



03 April 2023

Key words: social leave, single parents of a child, “single mother”, “single father”, independent upbringing of a child.



27 March 2023
27 March 2023