Analytical notes

30 June 2023

Abstract. The analytical note presents the results of the study of the experience of the Republic of Poland, French Republic and the Republic of Croatia in the implementation of state policy measures in the field of education in the de-occupied territories. Major directions and achievements of the aforementioned policy have been determined taking into account the peculiarities of both the research sources and factors that determined such policy.

Key words: state educational policy, de-occupied territories, legal regulation, historical experience.



16 June 2023

Abstract. In order to solve socio-economic problems in the field of hired labor, the international community has developed an effective form of interaction between employees and employers and their organizations, namely social dialogue. As an improved model of social partnership, social dialogue includes measures to prevent and avert social conflicts in its mechanism. In most European countries, social dialogue has become an alternative to confrontation, which periodically arises in relation to various issues of social and economic development. The research of the experience of effective models of social dialogue and the organizational and legal basis of the activities of the parties to this process is of great interest for Ukraine in light of its chosen course for European integration. Among other things, it is advisable to use the potential possibilities of social dialogue mechanisms in solving the socio-economic problems of our country caused by external military aggression.

Key words: social dialogue, acts of social dialogue, right to association, trade unions, employers’ organizations, collective agreements.



12 June 2023

Abstract. Ensuring the transition of servicepersons from military service to civilian life is one of the main tasks of the state veteran policy. Evolution of public perception of the importance of military service as a type of professional activity in the modern world resulted in improvement of legislation on social rights of military personnel and extension of such rights to discharged military personnel. As Ukraine, is suffering from the military aggression of the Russian Federation, foreign experience of implementing social programs for veterans and their family members, as well as the peculiarities of legislative regulation of respective social support measures, are the subject to special attention. Practice and legislation of states that participated in military conflicts or on whose territories military conflicts took place (the USA, Israel, Great Britain, South Korea, and Japan) are of particular interest.

Key words: social support programs for military personnel, state support for veterans, social protection of veterans, medical protection of veterans, employment of military personnel, housing, housing benefits for veterans.



10 April 2023

Abstract. The analytical note examines the legislation on the use of the languages of national minorities in the field of education in such countries as Romania, Poland, Armenia, Slovakia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Attention was focused on the legislative regulation of the use and protection of the languages of national minorities in education (educational process). Certain aspects of the procedure for forming groups and classes with learning all subjects in the national minority language / studying the language of the national minority were emphasized.

Key words: national minority, language of the national minority, right to learn in the language / study the language of the national minority.



10 April 2023

Abstract. The results of the analysis of federal and regional legislative acts of Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, as well as regulations of Israel and Latvia regarding the language of education (educational process) in the context of all levels of education are presented. The problems faced by the states in the course of implementation of normative provisions on the language of education have been analyzed, with an emphasis on measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the language of the educational process. The research takes into account the recommendations of scholars and specialists in the field of education, including those of foreign countries.

Key words: state language policy, language of education, educational process, educational environment, level of education, education system.



27 January 2023

Abstract. The analytical note on issues of comparative legislation presents the results of the analysis of the main principles of legislative regulation in the field of freedom of speech and professional activities of journalists in Ukraine and in the member states of the European Union: Lithuania, Poland and Austria, which are characterized by different degrees of democracy. Acts of the leading institutions of the EU, as well as legislative acts, documentary materials in English and other languages related to the protection and standards of freedom of speech and ensuring the professional activities of journalists in the aforementioned states have been analyzed.

Key words: freedom of speech, democracy, journalist, professional activities of journalists, information security, mass media.



27 January 2023

Abstract. The analytical note carried out a comparative analysis and generalization of legislation on medical education at all stages of training - from medical college, university training, internship, residency – to continuous professional development in European countries and the United States.

The study analyzed the legislation of Ukraine and seven European countries: France, Great Britain, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, and the USA. It was found that each country has national peculiarities of receiving professional education in the field of medicine: entrance examinations, entrance stages, special requirements and the like. Medical education is an integral part of the general system of professional education and reflects both modern trends and centuries-old traditions.

Key words: medical education, special requirements for medical education, stages of medical education.



27 January 2023

Abstract. Analytical note on issues of comparative legislation deals with the principles of legislative regulation of issues related to humanitarian aid and the principles of its supply. Particular attention was paid to the acts of the European Union, which regulate the humanitarian activities of the EU as a subject of international relations and coordinate and direct the activities of EU member states in the field of humanitarian aid, as well as influence the content of national legislation on humanitarian aid. Laws and legislative acts on humanitarian aid of the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have been analyzed.

Key words: humanitarian aid, humanitarian activity, charitable activity, armed conflict, humanitarian organizations, legislation on humanitarian aid.



20 January 2023

Abstract. The analytical note presents the results of the research of the main components of the mechanism for the realization of the national minority rights, including the fulfillment of the obligations stipulated by the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in the following countries: Hungary, Russia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Israel, and Poland. The documents of the Council of Europe regarding monitoring of the implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, normative legal acts of the aforementioned states providing for ensuring the rights of national minorities, other documentary materials in English and other languages have been analyzed.

Key words: national minorities, rights of national minorities, ethnic composition of the population, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, civil society organizations.

