
29 May 2023

Abstract. Based on the analysis of the legislative regulation of state support for export activities in Ukraine, a number of problematic issues that need to be resolved have been analyzed in the Consept. The study of international standards and international experience in this field provided an opportunity to propose the ways to solve the identified problems and to identify directions for further improvement of the legal regulation of stimulating Ukrainian exports.

Key words: export, export activity, state support, financial mechanisms.



29 May 2023

Abstract. The study analyzes the experience of the parliaments of Israel and Germany in implementing the principle of parliamentary transparency and strengthening its institutional capacity, providing contemporary, complete and impartial information about its activities in implementing democratic reforms and strengthening the positive image of the Parliament (communication activities). In addition, for the purpose of comparison, the practice of using social networks as communication channels was analyzed (Annex 1), the relevant experience of the parliaments of the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Finland, as well as the EU Parliament (Annexes 2–5).

Key words: communication strategy, fight against disinformation, parliamentary transparency, the principle of transparency.



29 May 2023

Key words: powers of elected office, guarantees of return to previous work, guarantees of elected employees, social labor guarantees.



26 May 2023

Abstract. It was conducted the analysis of the compliance of the draft Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Article 51 of the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Political responsibility of Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from political parties whose activities have been terminated (suspended)» (Reg. No. 7424 dated 01.06.2022) aimed at establishing the procedure and type of political responsibility of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, who are (were) members of the parliamentary faction formed by a political party whose activities were terminated (suspended) by the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine for the purpose of ensuring national security and public order, with the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine.

Key words: political responsibility of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; political parties whose activities have been terminated (suspended); Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.



26 May 2023

Abstract. The study aims to assess the relevance, quality, and compliance of exercising the parliamentary oversight by committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with international standards and best worldwide practices of oversight by parliamentary committees, and to identify the needs for legislative provision for the oversight function of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The study analyzes the idea of establishing the special parliamentary oversight committees, which is justified by the need to strengthen democratic civil oversight over compliance by national security, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, human and civil rights and freedoms, and ensuring the public interests of the state on the basis of the rule of law. The legal prerequisite for the establishing the special parliamentary oversight committees is the need to prepare the amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of granting such committees the right to exercise oversight powers on behalf of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Key words: committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, parliamentary oversight, legal basis of parliamentary oversight, special parliamentary oversight committee, parliamentary oversight of security, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies.



25 May 2023

Abstract. The current legislation of Ukraine regulates the provision of direct interest loans. The ambiguous interpretation of its certain provisions by state agencies and the practice of their enforcement proves the need to amend the legislation on this subject of regulation. The review dossier was prepared with the aim of studying foreign experience in regulating the procedure for granting interest-bearing loans in EU member states and potential application of best practices in Ukraine.

Key words: interest loan; banking legislation; civil law; financial services.



25 May 2023

Key words: social protection, pension provision, system of accumulative pension provision.

