
11 May 2023

Abstract. Legal framework and principal functions of parliamentary libraries in foreign countries were analyzed in the parliamentary research. The activities of parliamentary libraries as institutions that provide a wide range of information, expert, and analytical and educational services to a wide range of consumers (from parliamentarians to the public) were considered.

Key words: parliamentary library; information, expert, and analytical training services; reference service, research service, secretariat of parliament.



08 May 2023

Abstract. Norms providing for measures to ensure the health of food (dietary) supplement consumers constitute an important element of the legislative regulation of the procedure for admission of such products to the market and control of their circulation. The analytical note focuses on the foreign experience of regulating measures to control compliance with the requirements of the legislation on food (dietary) supplements safety.

Key words: food (dietary) supplement, food product, labeling, circulation, control, healthcare, consumer.



08 May 2023

Abstract. The Concept aims to defining conceptual approaches and main directions for improving the legislative regulation of the legal status of an MP, which will contribute to increasing social, political and electoral confidence in the institution of parliamentarism in Ukraine.

Key words: people's deputy of Ukraine, legal status, incompatibility of the deputy mandate with other activities, prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest, parliamentary ethics.



05 May 2023

Key words: Labor Code of Ukraine, holidays and non-working days, names and dates of holidays, national cultural traditions, Soviet traditions.



04 May 2023

Abstract. Based on the analysis of scientific research, data from a survey of the parliaments of the European Union on the availability and functioning of forensic institutions, traditional approaches to their establishment and management, provision of services, as well as modern challenges, the latest experience and positive results of reforms in this area, which may be useful for Ukraine and will help determine the directions of formation of a modern paradigm of forensic support for justice are revealed.

Key words: forensic examination, forensic institutions, forensic support of justice.



01 May 2023

Abstract. The Concept aims to increase the institutional capacity of the committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by developing proposals to improve the current legislation on determining the procedure for forming committees as bodies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the rights and obligations of committees in the exercise of their functions. The innovations regarding certain aspects of the legal status of the committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are proposed in the Concept.

Key words: committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, control functions, electronic petition.



01 May 2023

Abstract. In the parliamentary research proposals on the procedure and criteria for processing draft laws aimed at adapting Ukrainian legislation to the provisions of EU law and fulfilling Ukraine's obligations in the field of European integration are set out.

Key words: European integration, European Union, parliament, legislative procedure, European integration draft law.



01 May 2023

Abstract. The information note analyzes the provisions of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine on the implementation of judicial proceedings in the absence of the victim, who was not properly informed about the date, time and place of the court session.

Key words:  criminal proceedings, preparatory court proceedings, trial, victim.



01 May 2023

Abstract. The principles, procedure and features of the system of execution of sentences and probation in foreign countries are researched in the analytical note (in particular, in the context of the effectiveness of the organization of the process of execution of punishment and the possibility of Ukraine's borrowing progressive practices of foreign countries in the treatment of convicts).

Key words: penitentiary system, execution of punishment, penitentiary bodies and institutions, probation, convicted persons, prisoners.

