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Abstract. Proposals have been developed to improve the procedural issues of consideration and adoption of draft laws and to increase the institutional capacity of the committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the legislative process.
It is expected that the implementation of the Concept will contribute to: improving the quality of draft laws as a result of the introduction of the «White Book» as one of the important tools of planning and predictability of the law-making process; coherence of the interests of the state and society in the legislative process; strengthening coordination between the subjects of the legislative initiative by streamlining the practice of implementing of legislative initiatives in accordance with the Plan of legislative work of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; transparency of the legislative process, including through the introduction of a set of electronic forms of participatory democracy; optimization of the mechanism of expert assessment of draft laws; increasing the role of parliamentary committees in the legislative process and their institutional capacity; the efficiency and effectiveness of the current legislation, compliance of its completeness and content with modern requirements of the development of the state and its institutions, which will be ensured by the monitoring of legislative acts of Ukraine.
Key words: Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislative regulations, legislative process, legislative procedures, Rules of Procedure.
Abstract. The main directions of adaptation of the Ukrainian environmental legislation to the Environmental acquis of the European Union were analyzed in order to identify the problems that arise and to determine ways to solve them, to establish a reporting system in Ukraine for the implementation of EU directives and regulations. It was established that the implementation of almost every EU directive requires not only the adoption of domestic legislation, but also the determination of a specially authorized body for its implementation. Ukraine should not only adopt new legislative acts, but also borrow and transfer to domestic practice the best experience of European countries regarding the organization and enforcement of these laws. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine will be ultimately in charge of implementing the EU Environmental Acquis and cooperating on these issues with the European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment and the European Environment Agency. However, other central and local executive authorities should also be in charge of implementing environmental protection measures in their respective sectors and regions. At the same time, the powers and related obligations of these bodies in the field of environmental protection should be clearly defined and, if possible, distributed among them.
Key words: EU law, environmental legislation, environmental protection legislation, environmental field, environmental protection, nature management.
Abstract. The conceptual approaches and main directions for the further development of regulatory, institutional and organizational conditions for the formation and development of the economy of the liberated regions of Ukraine were defined, which can serve as a basis for the development of the Strategy for the recovery of the economy and infrastructure of the regions liberated from the Russian occupation. In the Strategy, it is considered expedient to foresee a number of stages, in particular: 1) the preparatory stage – currently; 2) transition period – 1–1.5 years; 3) stabilization period – up to 2 years after the end of the transition period; 4) the stage of sustainable development – begins 2.5–3 years after the liberation of the territory of Ukraine and lasts until 2030. It was noted that the post-war settlement in Ukraine should be planned taking into account the best world practices and the international law requirements. The tasks of such settlement are the restoration and development of peace, promotion of economic development and welfare of the population, protection of human rights and freedoms, strengthen of the rule of law and justice.
Key words: economy, infrastructure, production, social and economic recovery, regional development.