Analytical notes
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- Analytical periodicals
Abstract. Results of the research on the differences between the nature conservation sites “reserve” and “areas of special conservation value of the Emerald Network, which is being created in accordance with Article 4 of the Berne Convention” have been presented in the analytical note. For this purpose, the legislation of foreign countries which have joined the Bern Convention and have sites included in the Emerald Network and/or the Natura 2000 network on its territory has been researched.
Key words: nature conservation sites, habitat preservation, ecological network, protected areas, national ecological network.
Abstract. The analytical note examines the experience of legal regulation of housing rental, construction of housing intended for rent and with the right to purchase it on the example of Germany, France, Austria, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Key words: state housing policy; housing stock; rental housing; construction of housing intended for rent; rental housing with the right to purchase it; social housing.
Abstract. The analytical note examines the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries (the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Sweden) in the field of burial and funeral services.
The materials of the analytical report of the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine on the state of the burial industry in Ukraine in 2022 were summarized.
Key words: burial; types of burial; cremation; burial of an urn with ashes; funeral business; funeral services; organization of cemeteries.
Abstract. The analytical note examined the foreign experience of legislative support for communication between a child and a father or mother who live separately. In this context, the following issues were analysed: availability of legislative and administrative mechanisms for enforcement of a court decision in cases of child custody and guardianship; pre-trial procedure for ensuring communication between a child and a father or mother who live separately; involvement of guardianship and custody authorities and psychologists at the stage of enforcement of a court decision; strategy for enforcement of court decisions on contact between one of the parents and a child; measures to support a child who shows signs of alienation of one of the parents; liability of a person who evades enforcement of a decision of a guardianship authority and other related issues. In particular, the legislation of such countries as: Austria, Germany, France, Poland, Lithuania, the USA, etc. A summary of foreign experience is provided in the Annex 1.
Key words: ensuring the interests of the child; the right of parents and child to communicate; the right of the parent who lives separately from the child to communicate with the child in person; enforcement of the decision to establish a meeting with the child.
Abstract. The analytical note examines the experience of foreign countries in the legal regulation of the creation and functioning of information and communication systems in the field of urban development (including spatial planning), keeping records of postal addresses, buildings and structures (including 3D models), underground facilities, as well as accounting and display of engineering networks. The legal framework for the development of infrastructure (systems) of geospatial data in Croatia, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Estonia, Spain, Sweden, Finland, and Canada is considered.
Key words: information and communication systems, urban planning, geospatial data, geoportal, underground objects, 3D models of buildings and structures, engineering networks.
Abstract. The analytical note contains the results of a comparative study of the legislation of Israel, USA, Spain, and the Great Britain on the use of assisted reproductive technologies, in particular, the posthumous use of cryopreserved gametes and embryos for reproductive purposes. Conceptual approaches to the legislative regulation of relations that arise in connection with the posthumous use of reproductive material for the birth of a child are analyzed. Attention is focused on the problems of legislative regulation of measures to ensure the right to genetic paternity/motherhood and ensuring the rights of a born child. The main legal issues related to posthumous reproduction are summarized.
Key words: assisted reproductive technologies, reproductive rights, posthumous use of reproductive material, parental project, informed written consent.
Abstract. In the legal acts of the European Union on water quality, in particular, the importance of ensuring the quality of drinking water, its level, ways to improve it, etc policy is examined. It is outlined the main provisions of Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 16, 2020 on the quality of water intended for human consumption, which regulates the quality of water intended for human consumption in the EU and is the main EU legal act on drinking water. The direction of the EU water policy as reducing the level of pollution of the wastewater system to zero is considered. The main provisions of the Council Directive of May 21, 1991 on the treatment of urban wastewater (91/271/EEC), which is proposed to be revised at the present stage, adapting it to the latest standards is analyzed. As part of the characterization of the EU water policy, the Water Framework Directive, which is additionally regulated by other EU acts, is described. Attention is paid to the European Commission's Green Deal political initiative - the European Green Deal. The experience of EU Member States in implementing the EU water policy, in particular Germany, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Romania, France and Lithuania, is analyzed.
Key words: quality of drinking water, Water Framework Directive, wastewater, municipal wastewater treatment, EU water policy, Green Deal, European Green Deal.
Abstract. In the analytical note the experience of legal regulation and practice of addressing the issues of reconstruction of outdated housing fund researched in Germany, France, Austria, Poland, the Baltic States, the United Kingdom, and Finland in the context of the need to improve Ukrainian legislation in this area and in connection with the development by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the draft Law of Ukraine «On comprehensive reconstruction of quarters (microdistricts) of outdated housing fund» (Reg. No. 6458 dated 22.12.2021).
Key words: housing, outdated housing fund, modernisation of outdated housing fund, reconstruction, apartment building, renovation, energy efficiency measures.
Abstract. The analytical note presents the results of a comparative study of the legal status and peculiarities of science and technology parks in accordance with EU legislation and international law. The creation procedures, organizational and legal forms of operation and guarantees of activity of science and technology parks in the EU are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the issues of manufacturing and protection of intellectual property objects created by science and technology parks. The analysis subject were the issues of legislative support for the innovation activities of science and technology parks in accordance with EU legislation, and the fulfillment of government orders for the production of strategically important innovative products.
Key words: science and technology parks, European Union, innovation, intellectual property, Strategy for the development of innovation.
Abstract. The article presents the analysis results of the peculiarities of the state innovation policy and legislation of a number of European countries regarding the creation and functioning of science (science and technology) parks. In particular, a review of the regulatory principles and approaches used in the implementation of the state innovation policy was carried. Attention is emphasized on the effectiveness of both proven and innovative methods, mechanisms, and instruments of legislative regulation of the activities of science (science and technology) parks in such countries as: Estonia, Germany, Poland, France, Sweden.
Key words: science (science and technology) parks, scientific infrastructure, science park, models of science and technology parks.