Analytical notes

20 July 2023

Abstract. The analytical note examines the legislation on the foreign experience of legislative support for adult education (based on the example of European countries), intending to apply this experience in Ukraine. As part of the research, the legislation of several European countries was analysed: the Republic of Poland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic, and others.

The analytical note does not provide a comparative analysis of the Ukrainian and foreign legislation, since the author of the request only identified the need for foreign experience.

Key words: adult education, lifelong learning, continuous professional development, system and components of adult education.



20 July 2023

Abstract. The results of the analysis of forecast and program documents and legislative acts of the European Union on legal regulation of the use of artificial intelligence technologies are presented. In particular, a detailed overview of the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and Amending Certain Union Legislative Acts was carried out. Attention was focused on proven methods of normalization of priority areas of artificial intelligence technologies development in such countries as Estonia, South Korea and the USA.

Key words: artificial intelligence, technologies, AI, AI objects, robotics, startup, White Paper on Artificial Intelligence.



17 July 2023

Abstract. The legal acts of the European Union in the field of hemp cultivation and the experience of legal regulation of the cultivation, circulation, and consumption of products made from hemp in European countries, the USA and Canada are analyzed. It is emphasized on the legislation of the countries with the largest amount of hemp growing land or significant consumption of hemp products, in particular for industrial purposes.

Key words: hemp, industrial hemp, hemp products, cannabis.



07 July 2023

Abstract. In the course of preparation of the analytical note, attention was focused on the legal regulation of voluntary health insurance as an additional tool for covering medication costs. Relevant legislation of the European Union, as well as national legislation of some European countries and the USA, have been analyzed. The analytical note does not provide a comparative analysis with Ukrainian legislation. The author of the appeal identified the need for foreign experience analysis.

Key words: voluntary health insurance, medication costs, healthcare, medical services.



06 July 2023

Abstract. The comparative analysis of the legislation of the European Union Member States on the peculiarities of legal regulation of the formation of environmental awareness and environmental competence of citizens through the introduction of an environmental component as part of the educational process were made.

The legislation of Italy, Spain, Latvia, Estonia, France, Germany, Norway, Finland and Portugal was analyzed in the note.

Key words: ecology, education, environmental education, sustainable development, green transition.



26 June 2023

Abstract. The analytical note contains the results of the comparative study of the legislation of the European Union member states regarding civil service employees’ remuneration systems. Attention was paid to the peculiarities of the legislative regulation of civil servants’ remuneration and the procedure for forming the remuneration fund. Salary structure and procedure for setting and determining the compression ratio have been analyzed. The content of the regulatory provisions limiting manager’s discretion regarding calculation of salaries of civil servants has been clarified. In accordance with the applicant’s request, the analytical note contains conceptual comments on the content of SIGMA Opinion to the Draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service” Regarding Implementation of Unified Approaches to Remuneration of Civil Servants Based on the Classification of Positions” (reg. No. 8222 dated 23.11.2022).

Key words: public servants, remuneration of public servants, compression ratio.



26 June 2023

Abstract. The legal regulation of state environmental control (supervision) in the European Union member states regarding the regulation of the activities of state bodies responsible for monitoring compliance by economic entities with the provisions of national environmental legislation were analyzed. Rules of activity of environmental inspectorates, their rights, obligations, reasons, and means of conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections were analized. Special attention is paid to interaction of environmental inspectorates with other ministries and state institutions in the field of environmental protection. Legal regulation of requirements for inspectors, including qualification requirements is presented in the  note. Experience in implementing state environmental control in France, Croatia, the Netherlands, Latvia, Poland was analysed.

Key words: national environmental control body; environmental inspection; environmental control (supervision).



26 June 2023

Abstract. The acts of international law, EU regulations, and legislative acts of several states, including Ireland, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Australia, were analyzed with aim to prepare the draft law of Ukraine on the basic principles of climate policy. Based on the study’s results, a generalised approximate structure of the draft law on the basic principles of the climate policy of Ukraine is proposed, and proposals regarding its text are provided.

Key words: climate policy, climate change, climate information, climate change prevention strategy.



19 June 2023

Abstract. Improvement of the legislative regulation of the market of automobile and urban electric transport services in Ukraine is covered by the obligations in the field of European integration, in particular, the provisions of Article 368 of Chapter 7 «Transport» Section V «Economic and Sectoral Cooperation» of the Association Agreement, according to which cooperation between Ukraine and the EU is aimed at improving the movement of passengers and goods, increasing the fluidity of traffic flows between Ukraine, the EU and third countries in the region by eliminating administrative, technical, border and other obstacles, and improving security.

This analytical note was prepared to compare the provisions of the draft laws for their compliance with Regulation (EC) 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on public passenger transport by rail and by road and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) Nos 1191/69 and 1107/70, and to provide proposals on the further improvement of legislation in the relevant field.

Key words: European integration, Agreement of Association, Regulation (EC) 1370/2007 EC, transport services, urban electric transport, road transport.



15 June 2023

Abstract. Shaping a reliable and effective legal framework that would not hinder innovation and quick access of consumers to innovative devices and at the same time guarantee the safety of these devices and their benefits for patients, users or third parties at an equally high level is an important element of the legislative regulation of the procedure for admission of medical devices to the market and implementation of control over their circulation. Analysis of EU legislation in terms of regulations aimed at ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medical devices and facilitating patient access to them, as well as the experience of EU member states which have established control over safety, quality, use, introduction into market, supply, compliance assessment, clinical trials and studies of the effectiveness of medical devices in accordance with the legislation are of significant interest to Ukraine. The analysis covered Ukrainian legislation in the field of medical devices circulation, in particular, state guarantees in the field of healthcare and ensuring high level safety for medical devices consumers, as well as the legislation of the European Union, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland and Czech Republic.

Key words: medical devices, circulation of medical devices, ensuring the safety of consumers of medical devices, Regulation (EU) 2017/745, EUDAMED database of the European Union on medical devices.

