
12 February 2024

Abstract. The status of furniture production in Ukraine and a number of other countries was analysed. The legal regulation of this industry in Ukraine in comparison with such countries as Vietnam, Italy, China, Germany and Poland was analysed. Based on the results of the analysis, the author identifies the factors (including government policy) that may affect the growth of Ukrainian furniture exports.

Key words: industry, processing industry, economic activity, furniture production, woodworking industry.



09 February 2024

Abstract. The study is devoted to the analysis of legislative philanthropic activities in European countries and the USA. Attention was paid to the means of ensuring transparency and openness of the processes of using charitable funds, the development of partnership and cooperation between various entities in the field of philanthropy, as well as the creation of mechanisms for its monitoring. The legislation of the USA and certain European states (Spain, Italy, Poland, France) was analyzed.

Key words: philanthropic activity, socially useful goals, tax discount, public interest, charitable activity.



09 February 2024

Key words: hereditary property, inheritance escheat, protection of ownerless property, absence of heirs, Civil Code of Ukraine, territorial community, principle of legal definiteness.



06 February 2024

Abstract. The information note examines the issue of improving the principles of administrative and criminal liability for violations of defense legislation, military duty and military service, mobilization training and mobilization taking into account the requirements of martial law, in the context of the draft law's No. 10379 proposals.

Key words: administrative liability, criminal liability, military offenses, conscription, mobilization, evasion of conscription.



29 January 2024

Abstract. The concept is devoted to the problematic issues of restoring reproductive health. It is noted that in Ukraine, due to active hostilities, the birth rate is decreasing and the overall mortality rate is increasing. The problem of reproductive health is reaching the national level and is becoming of paramount importance. Priority areas and tasks of legislative support for the reproductive health of the population in the wartime and postwar periods, existing problems and ways to solve them are determined. The document is aimed at updating the legislation on the preservation of the reproductive health of the population, improving the legal mechanisms for the use of assisted reproductive technologies, and increasing the level of legal guarantees for every citizen of Ukraine to exercise their reproductive rights.

Key words: reproductive health, reproductive rights, assisted reproductive technologies, cryopreservation, postmortem use of stored military cells, donation, gametes, embryos, psychological and physical rehabilitation, demographic problem, migration, martial law, legislative support.



29 January 2024

Key words: payment of pensions; criminal offense against the foundations of national security, public security, peace, security of humanity, international law and order; termination of pension payment; court decision, Pension Fund of Ukraine.



29 January 2024

Abstract. The legislation of Ukraine and other countries (the USA, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, India, South Korea, Japan and China) on the definition of strategic and priority industries, areas and sectors of the economy are analyzed. A list of sectors, directions and industries of the Ukrainian economy that have the potential for the greatest growth and impact on GDP in the period of post-war recovery are provided.

Key words: strategic industries (areas, sectors), priority industries (areas, sectors), economic development, state support.



29 January 2024

Abstract. The analytical note examines which formations, such as the National Guard of Ukraine, function in NATO member states (the legislation of eight countries: Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, France is analyzed). The legal status of such formations and their place in the state security system has been clarified; main tasks and functions; separation of military and law enforcement functions; jurisdiction; authority, etc. Identified common and distinctive features in the activities of these formations, which are called «National Guard», «gendarmerie» or other related names.

Key words: National Guard, gendarmerie, military police, jurisdiction, subordination, tasks and powers, the use of weapons, military and law enforcement functions.

