
26 February 2024

Abstract. An analysis of international, including European, acts on the protection of children from the negative effects of sexual or erotic products and the prevention of child pornography in the context of protecting generally accepted principles of public morality and maintaining public order was carried out. A comparative study of the legislation in this area of the EU member states (Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, France) and the USA was conducted with a view to taking into account the best practices of legislative regulation of protection of children from the negative impact of sexual or erotic products, as well as prevention of child pornography in Ukraine.

Key words: public order, public morality, protection of children from the negative influence of sexual or erotic materials.



26 February 2024

Abstract. Within the framework of the parliamentary research, a systematic analysis of the primary legislative acts of Ukraine within the competence of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Digital Transformation was carried out, with regard to the advantages and disadvantages of further codification of their norms. The author substantiates the prospects for developing and adopting the Information Code of Ukraine or the Code of Ukraine on Digital Transformation; the law-making features of codification of certain acts of information legislation within the framework of specific codified acts which have already been adopted in Ukraine were investigated.

Key words: e-commerce, electronic document management, electronic trust services, personal data protection, information systems, information legislation, code, codification, Verkhovna Rada Committee on Digital Transformation, National Program of Informatization of Ukraine, electronic communications market.



26 February 2024

Abstract. In order to process proposals for increasing local budget revenues, the review dossier considers the issue of distribution of tax revenues between the State Budget of Ukraine and local budgets. The necessity of redistribution of budget funds and its possible consequences are also investigated.

Key words: local budget, local budget revenues, tax revenues.



26 February 2024

Abstract. The informational reference analyzes the legislative proposals to ensure the implementation of the reform in the field of higher education. Attention is focused on the proposed changes to the procedure for granting social scholarships. The problematic aspects of the right to higher education guarantees are noted. The provisions of the Draft Law «On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine on financing higher education and providing state targeted support to its applicants» (Reg. No. 10399 dated 10.01.2024) are analyzed.

Key words: higher education system, higher education institution, social scholarship, right to higher education, Bologna Process.



26 February 2024

Abstract. The informational reference analyzes certain aspects of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons. Attention is focused on the legal nature of one of the types of state aid - accommodation allowance. The problematic issues of compliance with the targeting of social protection are noted. An analysis of the provisions of the Draft Law «On аmendments to the Law of Ukraine «On ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons» regarding the payment of accommodation allowance taking into account the assessment of the needs and degree of integration of an internally displaced person at the place of his/her actual residence» (Reg. No. 10382 dated 28.12.2023).

Key words: forced migration, internally displaced person, guarantees of rights, accommodation allowance, targeting of social protection.



26 February 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to the genesis of Ukrainian legislation on the status of war veterans. Attention is emphasized on the expediency of changing the conceptual approaches to: regulating the status of war veterans from among military personnel; differentiation of legislative regulation of social protection of veterans of the Second World War, participants of hostilities that took place during the Soviet period of our country's history, and the status of defenders who participate in actions aimed at ensuring national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The content of the concepts of “veteran”, “war veteran”, “combatant”, “defender” is analyzed. A comparative analysis of the concept of “veteran” in the legislation of foreign countries (USA, Croatia, Serbia, Israel), as well as conceptual approaches to the methods of legislative regulation of the status of persons who participated in the defense of the sovereignty of their state is carried out.

Key words: veteran, war veteran, legal status, social security system.

