
07 August 2023

Abstract. Analytical Note provides a comprehensive study of the legislative regulation regarding fees for administrative services and the setting of administrative fees in European countries. Also, it describes the statutory and regulatory acts which directly determine the administrative fee for the provision of these services, the entities which are delegated the right to determine the amount of fees, as well as the principles of determining the appropriate rate of administrative fees and the existing approaches to calculating the cost of paid administrative services. The relevant legislation of 16 countries is analyzed.

Key words: administrative services, public services, administrative fee, administrative fee, state duty / charge, calculation of cost price, European experience.



07 August 2023

Key words: state veteran patronage service, state-volunteer partnership, patronage assistant, patronage trainer, employees of the state veteran patronage service.



07 August 2023

Abstract. The informational reference deals with the analysis of the functioning of the Israel’s pension system. Attention was focused on the prerequisites for updating the legislation on accumulative pension funds, including funds for military personnel (defense forces). Major legislative innovations aimed at ensuring the fulfillment of the 2003-2004 pension reform tasks have been analyzed. Certain problematic aspects of the functioning of accumulative pension funds have been identified.

Key words: pension reform, insurance contributions, accumulative pension funds, retirement age, military personnel.



04 August 2023

Abstract. The concept was developed with the aim of improving the agricultural legislation of Ukraine in terms of supporting the processing of agricultural products and increasing the specific weight of exports of finished products made from national agricultural raw materials. The modern doctrinal approaches of other countries (France, Denmark, USA, Canada, etc.) that have a developed agricultural sector and widely use instruments of state support for the agricultural producer were analyzed. Based on the conducted analysis, taking into account the best foreign practices, the WTO requirements and the fulfillment of Ukraine's obligations in the field of European integration, a number of changes to the current legislation were proposed with the aim of improving it.

Key words: agricultural sector, agricultural raw materials, state support, production, export, processing of agricultural products.

