
31 July 2023

Abstract. The issue of parliamentary consultations with local self-government associations on draft laws and other acts on local and regional development is researched. The experience of legislative regulation of parliamentary consultations with local self-government associations was analysed of the following countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Estonia, Romania, Latvia and Hungary.

Key words: parliament, local self-government, associations of local self-government bodies, consultations with associations of local self-government bodies.



31 July 2023

Abstract. The analytical note examines the model of delimitation of powers between local self-government bodies and local executive authorities in foreign countries in a comparative perspective, taking into account the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The experience of Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, and France is analysed.

Key words: European Charter of Local Self-Government, delimitation of powers between local self-government bodies and local executive authorities, delegation of powers.



31 July 2023

Abstract. Legislation both of the European Union and of EU member states on biometric data processing in the procedures for issuing internal identity documents has been analyzed. It has been concluded that the legal regulation in this area is developed by defining the types of biometric data used in passport documents, general procedures for its collection and guarantees of protection of the rights biometric data subjects in the provisions of general acts of the European Union, in particular, Council Regulation (EC) No. 2252/2004 and General Data Protection Regulation. At the same time, the determination of bodies authorized to make and issue biometric documents, special biometric data processing procedures for the purposes of producing relevant documents is governed by internal legislation of the EU member states, subject to the fulfillment of general guarantees of human rights protection in the respective field of legal regulation.

Key words: biometric verification of identity documents; biometric identification; biometric data; biometric documents certifying identity; General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); Council of Europe Convention 108+; system of biometric identification of a natural person.



31 July 2023

Key words: state pension insurance, person with disability, type of pension.



28 July 2023

Abstract. The review dossier  the legislative regulation of the issue of exercising control powers by MPs of Ukraine over the activities of state authorities, local self-government bodies, their officials, and heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations was analyzed. The theoretical and legal aspects of exercising controlling powers by MPs were described within the status of MPs of Ukraine. The legislative initiatives aimed at improving the control functions of MPs of Ukraine which have been developed and submitted to the Parliament and provides in the list.

Key words: MPs of Ukraine, MPs status, control powers, control function.



28 July 2023

Abstract. The concept defines the priority directions of the development of the Ukraine’s legislation on social dialogue in order to ensure its functions in the process of restoring national economy and its competitiveness in the post-war period, preserving the country’s investment attractiveness, preventing conflicts in the social and labor sphere, and promoting Ukraine’s integration into the European community.

Key words: social dialogue, subjects of social dialogue, representation of parties to social dialogue, social partners.

