
31 July 2023

Abstract. In the analitical note examines the legislative regulation of the distribution of powers between the levels of local self-government, taking into account the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The experience of such European countries as Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, France, and Norway is analysed.

Key words: European Charter of Local Self-Government, levels of local self-government, distribution of powers between levels of local self-government, regions, communities.



31 July 2023

Abstract. The mechanisms for the development of mountainous and highland areas, defined in the legislation of foreign countries, in particular France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Georgia, as well as regulated by international legal acts and legal acts of the European Union, with the aim to improving the existing and introducing new instruments of local and regional development in Ukraine with regard to mountainous territories.

Key words: European Union, regional development, mountainous and highland areas, stimulation of mountainous territories development.

