
26 June 2023

Abstract. The acts of international law, EU regulations, and legislative acts of several states, including Ireland, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Australia, were analyzed with aim to prepare the draft law of Ukraine on the basic principles of climate policy. Based on the study’s results, a generalised approximate structure of the draft law on the basic principles of the climate policy of Ukraine is proposed, and proposals regarding its text are provided.

Key words: climate policy, climate change, climate information, climate change prevention strategy.



26 June 2023

Abstract. The informational reference highlights certain problematic aspects regarding the procedure for using humanitarian aid, related to the functioning of the automated humanitarian aid registration system. Attention was focused on the issues of gaps in legislative regulation in the field of humanitarian aid, including the prosecution of persons for the misuse of humanitarian aid.

Key words: humanitarian aid, automated humanitarian aid registration system, recipient of humanitarian aid.



23 June 2023

Abstract. The analytical note provides research issues of creating a mechanism for legalizing trophy arms owned by Ukrainian citizens through their recording and registration (in the context of the draft Law of Ukraine «On the Right to Civilian Firearms», Reg. No. 5708 dated 25.06.2021). With this purpose, it gives the analysis of the legislative framework of Ukraine, existing international practice, international humanitarian law and the legislation of other countries, first of all those that have faced the problem of unaccounted for weapons held by civilians as a result of military conflicts.

Key words: arms, weapons, trophy arms, legalisation, weapons circulation, civilian firearms, foreign experience.



22 June 2023

Abstract. The provisions of national legislation regarding the assessment of conformity of vehicles and the documents confirming it in the context of harmonization with the norms of European law are analyzed in the informational reference.

Key words: vehicle, compliance of vehicles with the requirements of technical regulations, conformity assessment, conformity assessment bodies, certificate of conformity of the vehicle.



19 June 2023

Abstract. The analytical note was prepared in connection with the consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the draft Law of Ukraine «On parliamentary service» No. 4530 dated 21.12.2020, which is intended to define the peculiarities of legal regulation of parliamentary service and the legal status of parliamentary servants. A comparative analysis of foreign legislation on resignation as a special type of termination of powers of a parliamentary servant was carried out. The legislation of Albania, Denmark, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, and EU acts were researched.

Key words: parliamentary service, state service, parliamentary employee, resignation, dismissal, notice of resignation.



19 June 2023

Abstract. Improvement of the legislative regulation of the market of automobile and urban electric transport services in Ukraine is covered by the obligations in the field of European integration, in particular, the provisions of Article 368 of Chapter 7 «Transport» Section V «Economic and Sectoral Cooperation» of the Association Agreement, according to which cooperation between Ukraine and the EU is aimed at improving the movement of passengers and goods, increasing the fluidity of traffic flows between Ukraine, the EU and third countries in the region by eliminating administrative, technical, border and other obstacles, and improving security.

This analytical note was prepared to compare the provisions of the draft laws for their compliance with Regulation (EC) 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on public passenger transport by rail and by road and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) Nos 1191/69 and 1107/70, and to provide proposals on the further improvement of legislation in the relevant field.

Key words: European integration, Agreement of Association, Regulation (EC) 1370/2007 EC, transport services, urban electric transport, road transport.



16 June 2023

Abstract. In order to solve socio-economic problems in the field of hired labor, the international community has developed an effective form of interaction between employees and employers and their organizations, namely social dialogue. As an improved model of social partnership, social dialogue includes measures to prevent and avert social conflicts in its mechanism. In most European countries, social dialogue has become an alternative to confrontation, which periodically arises in relation to various issues of social and economic development. The research of the experience of effective models of social dialogue and the organizational and legal basis of the activities of the parties to this process is of great interest for Ukraine in light of its chosen course for European integration. Among other things, it is advisable to use the potential possibilities of social dialogue mechanisms in solving the socio-economic problems of our country caused by external military aggression.

Key words: social dialogue, acts of social dialogue, right to association, trade unions, employers’ organizations, collective agreements.

