
23 November 2023

Key words: criminal liability, crimes against the national security of Ukraine, cancellation of conviction, grave consequences, aggressor state occupation administration.



23 November 2023

Abstract. The information reference provided an overview of the statistical indicators of wages, production volumes, industrial production indices, volume of products sold, foreign trade of Ukraine in the light industry, as well as tools for promoting Ukrainian exporters in foreign markets. The conclusions of the reference may be useful in the context of taking the necessary measures to prevent a decline in industry production, to determine the directions and prospects for the development of the industry and its investment attractiveness.

Key words: light industry, production volume, industrial production index, textile production, clothing production, commodity structure of foreign trade.



20 November 2023

Abstract. The experience of parliamentary committees and joint parliamentary committees of the EU and the candidate state in the negotiation process on the accession of the state to the European Union were analyzed. The peculiarities of the formation, composition and functions of the relevant committees of the parliaments of Croatia, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria were studied.

Key words: European Union, negotiation process, European integration, accession to the EU.



20 November 2023

Abstract. In the review dossier certain issues of loans and credits provision are examined. The explanations which were provided by public authorities and court practice regarding the ambiguity of application of the provisions of Ukrainian legislation regulating the issue of interest-bearing loans were analyzed.

Key words: loan, credit, collateral, financial assistance, financial services, financial institutions, individual.



17 November 2023

Abstract. The current legislation of Ukraine, the best international practices and recommendations of international organizations to determine the impact of a draft law on budget indicators (state and local) were analyzed. Practical recommendations for improving the procedure for assessing the impact of a draft law on budget indicators were provided. 

Key words: budget impact, impact assessment, state and local budgets, financial and economic feasibility study.



16 November 2023

Abstract. This analytical note provides the research of regulatory and legal settlement issues of the institutional formation and development of cyber forces in some NATO countries (USA, Great Britain, France, Poland). The normatively established powers of cyber troops (cyber forces) regarding the conduct of defensive and offensive operations in cyberspace have been analyzed. The features of foreign experience in forming cyber troops (cyber forces) are summarized.

Key words: cyber space, cyber military, cyber command, military administration, cyber domain, cyber defense, cyber war, cyber operations, foreign experience.



13 November 2023

Abstract. The the experience of foreign countries in the distribution of powers between parliamentary departments, external advisory bodies and budgeting experts, as well as the problems of drafting, submitting and reviewing the financial and economic justification of a bill on the basis of national legislation, in particular the Budget Code of Ukraine, the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, etc., taking into account expert opinions of experts on parliamentary reform of the European Union and the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine were analyzed.

The research contains a Roadmap for the preparation of the financial and economic justification of the draft law.

Key words: financial and economic justification, financial and economic calculations, draft law, budgetary expertise.



13 November 2023

Key words: Unified Social Register (USR), Unified Information System of Social Sphere (UISSS), digitalization of social sphere, databases, electronic data, social security of the population, social assistance, social payments.



10 November 2023

Abstract. The analytical note contains results of a comparative study of foreign countries legislation on the use of certain methods of treating infertility with a help of assisted reproductive technologies, in particular: surrogate motherhood, cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization. Conceptual approaches to the legal regulation of relations that arise in the process of surrogate motherhood are analysed . Attention is focused on the legislative regulation of measures to ensure the right to biological post-traumatic parenthood / motherhood in the USA, Great Britain and Israel.

The analytical note does not provide a comparative analysis with the national legislation of Ukraine. The author of the appeal identified the need for foreign experience with an emphasis on the need to improve Ukrainian legislation regarding measures to ensure the right of combatants to biological post-traumatic parenthood / motherhood.

Key words: assisted reproductive technologies, infertility treatments, surrogate motherhood, cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization, biological post-traumatic parenthood/motherhood, USA, Great Britain, Israel.

