
08 December 2023

Abstract. The Draft Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Effective Forest Management Based on Forestry on the Principles of Close-to-Nature Forestry Adapted to Climate Change and Conservation of Forest Biodiversity» (Reg. № 9615 of August 16, 2023) was analyzed for compliance: acts of law of the European Union (hereinafter - the EU) and Ukraine's obligations in the field of European integration; Resolutions of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (Forest Europe); the state environmental policy of Ukraine and national legislation. The provisions of Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 13, 2011 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment; Council Directive 92/43/EEC of May 21, 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora; Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 31, 2023 on the provision on the Union market and export from the Union of certain goods and products relating to the destruction and degradation of forests and repealing Regulation (EU) 995/2010 were analyzed. The experience of European countries in terms of objects and criteria for environmental impact assessment in the forestry sector was considered.

Key words: forestry, forest management, forest degradation, wild flora, European integration.



07 December 2023

Key words: criminal proceedings, appeal, court decision, court ruling, ruling of the investigating judge, pronouncing the decision of the court, parts of the court ruling.



06 December 2023

Key words: administrative procedure, administrative case, administrative acts, administrative proceedings, cancellation, termination, unsuitable data, complaint.



04 December 2023

Abstract. In the analytical note the foreign practice of conducting a pre-registration examination during the registration of a draft law in the parliament is researched in a comparative aspect, its regulatory and legal regulation, subjects, procedure and terms of conducting such examination, a list of issues analyzed at this stage, as well as the legal reasons for refusal to subject of the legislative initiative to the registration of the draft law. The legislation of following countries was studied: Austria, Belgium, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, France and others.

Key words: expertise, parliament, legislative initiative, legislative procedure, registration of a draft law, pre-registration expertise, subject of the right of legislative initiative, the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, foreign experience.



04 December 2023

Abstract. The study provides a comparative analysis and summary of the legal acts of the EU Member States in the field of packaging waste management in terms of their recycling rates by type and category, and the legal framework for the establishment and operation of organizations of collective extended responsibility of producers of packaged goods or packaging producers. 

The legislation of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary were analyzed. 

Key words: waste, packaging waste, producers of goods, implementation of EU acts, European integration.



01 December 2023

Key words: criminal responsibility, criminal proceedings, national security, crimes against national security, occupation administration of the aggressor state.

