
27 March 2023
27 March 2023
20 March 2023

Abstract. The foreign experience of legislative regulation in the area of demining by foreign companies with current Ukrainian legislation were compared.

The international standards that are used for UN mine action operations and regulate the system of principles of mine action are analyzed. The existing approaches to the implementation of International Mine Action Standards IMAS into the national legislation of foreign countries are characterized using the example of France, USA, Great Britain, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Key words: mine action, demining, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).



15 March 2023

Abstract. The analytical note presents the results of compliance of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Commerce” with the European Union legislation in the field of electronic commerce. EU acts related to the development of the EU Digital Single Market and the digital economy have been analyzed. Additionally, an article-by-article analysis of compliance of the Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Commerce” was carried out.

Key words: digital single market, e-commerce, electronic trade, digital economy.



13 March 2023

Abstract. A comparative analysis and generalization of the legislation of foreign countries on combating bullying and mobbing was carried out in the following areas:

- the model of legal regulation of bullying and mobbing;

- types of legal liability and sanctions (measures of influence) applied for acts related to bullying and mobbing;

- measures to prevent, respond to and counteract bullying and mobbing.

Legislation of the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Estonia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain was analyzed. It was established that the model of legal regulation of bullying and mobbing provides for the determination of preventive and sanctioning provisions in legislation for actions related to persecution the victims in legal relations in the fields of education and labor. It was noted that there are no unified approaches to the definition of the terms "bullying" and "mobbing" in the legislation of foreign states, and legal liability for such actions, as a rule, is disciplinary, material, civil and criminal.

Key words: bullying, mobbing, persecution, victim, offender.

