
03 June 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to issues of legislative regulation of the use of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine and foreign countries (USA, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden). Attention is focused on the existence of equal rights of citizens of Ukraine and foreigners who are in the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds to receive medical assistance in the treatment of infertility through the use of assisted reproductive technologies.

Key words: assisted reproductive technologies, human rights, biomedicine, citizens, foreigners.



03 June 2024
03 June 2024

Abstract. In this analytical note the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries (France, Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Finland) was examined in the field of legal regulation of the charging of fees from vehicles for the carriage of high-weight cargo (''heavy transport'') for the use of certain infrastructures.

Key words: fees from vehicles for the carriage of high-weight cargo; heavy transportation; infrastructure; permit; roads, streets, railway crossings; heavy vehicles, high-weight vehicles.



03 June 2024

Abstract. In this analytical note, the European Union legislation (EU acquis) on the implementation of the provisions of the Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004, and the need for initial, detailed and repeated inspections of foreign ships (port state control) and Ukrainian ships (flag state control) and provision of ports with reception facilities for receiving water ballast and sediments, as well as notification of port administrations about the measures taken to control ships is analysed. Experience of France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Finland was considered

Key words: water ballast; ship ballast water and sludge; ship; port; water and sludge treatment; Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sludge, 2004.



03 June 2024

Key words: humanitarian aid, recipients of humanitarian aid, martial law, centralized water supply and sewerage, heat energy, critical infrastructure enterprises.



03 June 2024