
30 May 2024

Abstract. The information note is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of providing assistance to people in distress on the high seas. It is established that in this context, Ukraine's obligations arise, in particular, from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea of 1974, International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue of 1979, and Agreement on Cooperation of the Black Sea States on Search and Rescue in the Black Sea 1998. In order to improve the legal regulation of these issues, it is advisable to adopt the Draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine on regarding of activities in the field of life protection and search and rescue at sea» registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Reg. No. 9283 dated 10.05.2023).

Key words: providing assistance to persons in distress on the high seas; obligations of Ukraine; merchant shipping; International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979; Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine.



30 May 2024

Abstract. The informational reference is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of outdoor advertising on highways. It is established that such regulation should, first of all, ensure road safety and serve the purpose of reducing the number of road accidents, including by establishing prohibitions on the placement of advertising media that impede the assessment of the traffic situation or have similarities (in terms of external features, image or sound effect) with traffic control equipment and special signals, as well as advertising media that create the effect of the presence of pedestrians or vehicles on the road.

Key words: outdoor advertising on motorways, road safety, advertising media, borders of settlements.



29 May 2024

Abstract. The overview dossier is devoted to issues of legislative regulation of the circulation of digital content and digital services in Ukraine. Attention is paid to the analysis of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Digital Content and Digital Services".

Key words: digital content, digital service, digital things, goods with digital elements, digital environment, performer, consumer, contract for the provision of digital content.



29 May 2024

Abstract. The informational reference describes certain aspects of the legislative regulation of the procedure for establishing the status of "person with disability", in particular for those who fell ill or were injured during military service or service in the security forces in Israel.

Key words: disability, status of "person with disability", treatment, rehabilitation.



27 May 2024

Abstract. In this informational reference the issue of the necessity to improve legislation on the development of a simplified mechanism for the withdrawal and redemption of land plots for the development of transport infrastructure, transfer of land to concession for the construction of roads and registration of land plots for use by transport enterprises and organisations in the context of the Draft Law «On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding of expropriation of land plots, other real estate objects placed on them, which are privately owned, for public needs or due to public necessity» (Reg. No. 6422 dated 10.12.2021).

Key words: land ownership; expropriation of land plots for reasons of public necessity; construction of public highways of national significance, bridges, overpasses and facilities necessary for their exploitation; real estate objects.



27 May 2024

Abstract. Necessary steps to reform the national legislation on environmental protection and climate changes in the context of European integration processes have been covered in the parliamentary study. Analysis of the coherence of planning for the development and approval of legislative initiatives in the field of environment and climate changes by the Government and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for 2024, as well as its compliance with the tasks defined in the European Commission's 2023 Report on Ukraine has been conducted. Recommendations of the European Commission and European experience in the implementation of effective environmental policy, approaches of certain EU member states (Austria, Finland, Poland) to the transposition of acquis EU into national legislation have been presented in the study.

Key words: environmental protection, climate policy, waste management, construction and demolition waste, environmental taxation, deforestation.



27 May 2024

Abstract. In the analytical note, the legal analysis of the regulation of the legal status of seafarers is carried out in the context of the experience of the member States of the International Labour Organization, which is a specialised agency of the United Nations, regarding the implementation of the provisions of the relevant conventions into national legislation in the part of

- ensuring the entry of seafarers into the territory of the International Labour Organization member states and requirements for issuing a seafarer's identity document - in accordance with Convention No. 185 on Seafarers' Identity Documents (Revised), 2003, which revises the Seafarers' Identity Convention;

- the mechanisms of social protection, creation of fair employment conditions for seafarers, ensuring their rights to decent working and living conditions on board the ship, and medical care in accordance with the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (as amended). Experience of Philippines, France, Indonesia, Nigeria, Tanzania, United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, Lithuania, Malta, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Liberia, Spain, Antigua and Barbuda, Singapore, Switzerland, Algeria, Egypt, Brazil, Malta, China, Australia, Marshall Islands, Côte d'Ivoire, Tunisia, Croatia, Panama was analyzed.

Key words: legal status of a seafarer; issuance of a seafarer's identity document; improvement of social protection; International Labour Organization; Seafarers' Identity (Revised) Convention, 2003; Maritime Labour Convention, 2006; Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine.



27 May 2024

Abstract. The informational reference provides an analysis of legislative proposals to improve the procedure for judicial proceedings of cases of minor complexity on pension and other social benefits, as well as typical administrative cases. The author analyzes the provisions of the draft laws "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Consideration of Cases of Minor Complexity on Pension and Other Social Benefits, as well as Typical Administrative Cases" (Reg. No. 11170 dated 12.04.2024) and the alternative draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Consideration of Cases of Minor Complexity on Pension and Other Social Benefits, as well as Typical Administrative Cases" (Reg. No. 11170-1 dated 18.04.2024).

Key words: right to judicial defense, social and pension payments, typical administrative cases, simplified action proceedings, procedural terms.



24 May 2024

Abstract. The analytical note presents the study results on the activities of supervisory boards of national cultural institutions. The relevant national legislation of some European countries, Canada and USA is analyzed. The analytical note does not provide a comparative analysis with the legislation of Ukraine. The author of the appeal identified the need for foreign experience.

Key words: cultural institution, supervisory board, state cultural institutions, federal cultural institutions, agency model, democratic model, Cultural Sponsorship Code.

