
01 April 2024

Abstract. The information note analyzes the expediency of clarifying the norms of the law on criminal responsibility regarding the identification of the features of a special subject of corruption and war crimes.

Key words: criminal responsibility, corruption crimes, war crimes, special subject, martial law, life imprisonment.



29 March 2024

Abstract. The formation of effective legal regulation of the grounds of legal responsibility for violation of the procedure for providing financial services without a license actualizes the issue of introducing a system of means of a state-authority, coercive nature that can be applied to offenders. The parliamentary study analyzed separate amendments to the legal regulation of the activities of financial companies in terms of obtaining licenses, clarified the grounds of administrative responsibility for carrying out unlicensed activities, and outlined the prospects of criminalization of acts in the field of business, taking into account the data of judicial statistics.

Key words: criminal liability, administrative liability, financial services, economic activity, unlicensed activity.



29 March 2024
28 March 2024

Abstract. The information guide outlines certain aspects of the mechanism for ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons. Attention is focused on the expediency of observing international standards of social and legal protection of this category of persons in national legislation. An analysis of the provisions of the Draft Law «On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the implementation of the rights of internally displaced persons» (Reg. No. 10405 dated 12.01.2024) was carried out.

Key words: internally displaced person (IDP), guarantees of rights, preemptive right to stay at work, preferences for payment of administrative fee.



26 March 2024

Abstract. The analytical note is devoted to journalistic standards and rules of professional ethics in armed conflicts, which are guided by the media and journalists' associations, in particular in the UK (British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC, Ethical Journalism Network - EJN) and the USA (Society of Professional Journalists - SPJ). Attention is emphasized on the importance of having a system of self-regulation of journalists' work to ensure compliance with professional and ethical standards of work enshrined in the relevant codes, rules, and recommendations.

Key words: journalistic standards, professional ethics, journalists in armed conflicts, BBC, EJN, SPJ.



25 March 2024

Abstract. The article presents the results of a review of the legislation of Lithuania, Croatia and Sweden on media representatives access to parliaments. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of regulating the procedure for accreditation of journalists, their admission to buildings, presence at meetings and other events of the parliament, as well as restrictions on such access.

Key words: accreditation, openness of the parliament, media access to the parliament, journalist, mass media, media, level of public trust in the parliament.



22 March 2024

Abstract. The analytical note examines the foreign experience of parliamentary committees' work online (via videoconference), in terms of voting at a committee meeting by its members, counting the results during open voting, and roll-call voting. In particular, the legislation of such countries as Spain, Estonia, etc. was analysed.

Key words: parliamentary committees, MPs, committee meetings via videoconference, remote voting, coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19).



22 March 2024

Abstract. The dossier describes the introduction of an investment obligation for cultural audiovisual product aimed at supporting the creation of European works in accordance with Directive 2010/13/EU of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in the Member States relating to the provision of audiovisual media services, amended by Directive (EU) 2018/1808.

Key words: investment, foreign investment, audiovisual media services, investment climate.



21 March 2024

Abstract. The analytical note examines current practice of accounting the working time of MP of European countries, in particular, the following: France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, and France. The procedure for accounting for the working time of MEP was also studied.

Key words: accounting of working time of MP, legal status of MP, Member of the European Parliament.

