
12 January 2024

Key words: civil jurisdiction of cases, the fact of cohabitation, cohabitation together as a family without marriage, establishing the fact, participation in hostilities, the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, the Family Code of Ukraine.



12 January 2024

Abstract. The information note analyzes the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine in the context of the use of coercive measures by its military servicemen; submitted proposals the draft Law of Ukraine «On amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On the National Guard of Ukraine» regarding the improvement of the legal basis for the use of coercive measures by military servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine» (Reg. No. 10311 dated December 01, 2023).

Key words: National Guard of Ukraine, military servicemen, coercive measures, physical impact, special means, weapons, armament, military equipment, aircraft armament.



08 January 2024

Abstract. In the analytical note the experience of foreign countries in holding elections during martial law and other security challenges was carried out. The subject of the analysis is the legislation of such countries as Georgia, Moldova, the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Tunisia and others.

Key words: elections, voting, presidential elections, parliamentary elections, local elections, security challenges, Martial law, state of emergency, human rights and freedoms, COVID-19 pandemic.



08 January 2024

Abstract. To integrate the best international practices in the field of taxation of income derived from the use of digital platforms into Ukrainian legislation, the provisions of Directive 2021/514/EU of 22 March 2021 amending Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation (DAC 7) and the OECD Model Reporting Rules for Platform Operators (MRDP), as well as the experience of European countries in implementing them into national legislation, are analyzed.

Key words: digital platform, income taxation, taxes, automatic exchange of information, digital platform operator.



08 January 2024

Abstract. The analytical note contains an analysis of the legislation of EU member states (Latvia, Estonia, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Poland, Spain, Croatia, Austria, and the Czech Republic) on the classification of lotteries as gambling, online lotteries, and lotteries using video lottery terminals. The main features and risks of using video lottery terminals, as well as the principle of state monopoly on organising and conducting lotteries in Ukraine and the world are considered. It presents the most common models of public administration in the lottery sphere. There are also identified areas for improvement of the current Law of Ukraine «On State Lotteries in Ukraine», in particular, in terms of defining the concept of «state lottery» and classifying lotteries.

Key words: lottery, state lottery, gambling, video lottery terminals, European integration.



04 January 2024

Abstract. The article analyzes international, including European, standards on lobbying, and conducts a comparative study of lobbying legislation of ten EU member states and candidate states with a view to taking into account best practices when introducing legal regulation of lobbying in Ukraine.

Key words: lobbying, legal regulation of lobbying, lobbying activities, international and European standards, European practices.



29 December 2023

Key words: damage as a result of armed aggression; State Register of Persons Affected by the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation; intangible rights of citizens; disappearance under special circumstances; physical suffering, emotional stress, discomfort.



25 December 2023

Abstract. The informational reference deals with issues of ensuring the rights of individuals in field of social security during martial law. The normative-legal and organizational-legal guarantees of the right to social security are analyzed. Problematic aspects of activity of structural divisions of social security of the population bodies, which affect the level of ensuring the rights of individuals in field of social security, are noted. The results of provision monitoring of social services at local level are analyzed.

Key words: the right to social security, vulnerable stratums of the population, social services, normative-legal and organizational-legal guarantees of the right to social security, martial law.



25 December 2023

Abstract. The overview dossier deals with legislative regulation analysis of the status of war veterans. Attention is focused on the conceptual problems of defining the terms "war veteran", "combatant", "defender" and establishing categories of persons who belong to them. The need to improve legislation on the status of war veterans and to develop institutional foundations for the implementation of veteran policy is indicated.

Key words: veteran, war veteran, legal status, social security system, social benefits, legislative system.

